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Very earlier in the morning Ariana woke up excited, as usual she did her routine then left her bedroom in a good mood very eager about the outcome of the day. A small smile gracing her lips she only thought about those brown eyes that haunted her day. She couldn't believe she will get to live in the same house as her, breath the same air if everything worked as she wanted.

The fact that the children will have the chance to meet Ameril had her in a weird mood, she couldn't wait to see how she will treat them. She could only hope for the good. At this pace she felt that it was the only thing left to make her heart melt giving in a situation that even her could not understand but it felt somewhat good even if she will have to look from afar.

Rounding the corner of the corridor she took a look in the kids bedroom, which was always left unlocked that was the rule here, they both were fast asleep on theirs respective beds.

Humming happily, she turned her back to head in the kitchen, at least that means that she could have all the morning by herself, they could sleep like that until eleven or noon something she didn't understood, even their father didn't slept like that when he was a child the same for his siblings.

Pouring herself a cup of coffee she headed in her home office to start the day, she just sat when the phone started ringing, sighing she took a sip of the hot beverage to have some courage and not snapped at whomever it was, then took it.

"Hello, Mrs Salton Fox on the phone."

"Arianaaa, I'm glad to hear you! It's Martin Brandon" the Australian tone of voice caused a smile to spread immediately on her face reminding her  good memories.

"Brandon! It's a pleasure to hear about you! Is it me thinking that something is unfortunate or do you call to just say Hi when we will be seeing each other in two weeks? Hmm? missed me already."

His infectious barrington laugher which always get to her warm her heart.

"Always that perspicacity! I'm not surprised you did so well in business! And for the record you're UNFORGETTABLE, that is, I'll miss you always!"

"Don't boost my ego, please."

"Ah ah, yeah it's already bigger than the earth itself.That is how we are us beautiful people."

Rolling her eyes at his comments she chuckled taking another sip of her coffee. Brandon was certainly the most handsome and self-centered person that she knew who would praised himself like he was speaking about someone else.

"More seriously I call to tell you that I will not be able to make it." Stunned she just listened leaning back on the leather chair.

"We could come since we have our private jet but South Africa government prohibited any plane to leave or land on his territory. So...I, I don't know how it will work though, my friends that I told you was interesting in coming are all with me they're all money worth. It could have benefits to that cause of yours."

Mind racing, she couldn't came up with a plan or even word herself disappointment rubbing through her.

"Don't be like that please! I know you're disappointed but we can postpone it? And..."

A dry laugh filled the phone, unsured he stopped speaking mid sentence, at this point he knew that she certainly was  mad.

"Postponed!? That will cost a lot! Brandon I know it's not your fault but this is messed up."

"Postponed for two more months and it will be worth it, I assure you that."

"Two months?!" With a mental operation of all that can be done she pushed a strand of hair behind her ear a bit calmer.

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