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"Are you kidding me??! Woah! Unbelievable!"

Laughing hysterically Conrad walked back and forth in their lawyer conference room under the gaze of all the rest of assistance that consisted of his siblings and people he didn't knew names.

"It's not a joke Mr Salton, Mrs Watson Salton is indeed your step mother they married one year ago after what happened, your mother made sure to follow all the required process to make it happen to be sure her will could not be change if something happens to her. She gave her the power of attorney in everything she possess. But Mrs Ameril has to respect the previous will which divided everything between you. Nothing major changes but the administrator. Mrs Ameril part come from the benefits Salton industry do from the moment they married, before that everything is for the heirs."

"Fucking bullshit! Non sense!"
Her hands shaking Maurean held her head in her hands unable to proceed what they would have done if they had their mother unplugged.

They accused Ameril again of being the one to benefits their mother condition when she was the one that could gain everything.

"I am sorry but the recent events confirmed Mrs Salton will, I tried to make her change her mind though afraid Mrs Watson Salton could be a golddigger, do you Know what she answered me?"

Looking at them expectantly he waited for all of them to be attentive while taking a sip of his coffee. When they did he placed his cup down resuming his previous position.

"She said I quote 'Ameril will fight for me until there are no hope to hold. Don't worry and if it ever happen help her.' your mother words not mine I have visual she did if you want to be sure. The recent events prove Mrs Watson Salton did just that and still is, I received a call from her telling me you tried to unplugged your mother, I am to warn you in her name that the next time you'll do something that line, you will be disown." The calm man finished his sentence his eyes on the three siblings then in Conrad furious eyes.

"What? She can't do that!"

"Sadly she can, she received the power to take any decisions in your mother name. If disowning you is taken to prevent you to harm you mother no court will came against it." His eyes wandering around on the three Salton heirs, the man smiled tenderly.

"Instead of fighting her you should help her, she has everything to gain in this situation. Like it this if she had left you accomplish what you wanted to do you would've been the one to lost, you would've not improved your situation in Salton industry... Mrs O'Casey has the direction now on the behalf of young Mrs Salton that will not change soon as it is. She will never let you direct it if you don't show that you are able to. I worked with your mother long enough to know that when she decided something she already thought that through."

"Still there has to be..." a firm hand hitting the large table startled everybody, Maurean stood up her gaze on her big brother.

"I'm done! YOU should be to. You, you don't even feel a tiny regrets in you don't you? You could have kill our mother because of you greediness when everything Ameril does is to keep her alive even if by doing so she's putting her own life in the line because she doesn't trust us near our own mother. I don't want that. And if you have a decent mind Marc-angel you will not follow him anymore."

Her words echoed in the now silent room making the head lawyer breathed out relieved to see there were some sense in one of them in his career he had dealt with case of succession that had turned ugly to know if there are one who doesn't want it it could difficulty work.

Maurean shook her head deceived by more by herself than her brother before locking eyes with Marc-angel.

Her phone in one hand she pushed her chair aside shook the lawyers hands before exiting the conference meeting her mind not leaving her in peace all she wanted was to be already in her mother room at the hospital. She entered the elevator deep in her thoughts not caring about the people around her, it was only when she walked out off it that she saw that her little brother was by her side holding her hands in his big one for a moment while in the lobby then let go when they walked out of the building.

In the very hospital, Doctor Lee entered Mrs Salton room only to see the young woman head near the woman right hand while she was sitting on the chair near her bed mumbling things, it was not the first time it happened. She could stayed like that all the day long.

What the doctor did not tell her was that sometimes there were variations on her wife cardiogram when she did so.
A small sob froze her on as she was changing the woman perfusion. It was clear the young woman wasn't aware of her presence to cry like that, she never let people see her crying only with her red eyes that when she didn't wore her glasses could let people know. One hand touching her back doctor Lee pointed at the machine.

" Hey! Don't be discouraged you are doing well trust me. See here that's what happened when you're praying. I don't know how but she responded to it."
Looking up Ameril whipped her cheeks to see what the woman was talking about, there were irregularities in some places she showed her.

"Normally her state make the line follow this pattern you see, those are irregularities you see that should not be there. I was curious to why then I started understanding, whenever you pray it does that. I'm sure it has effects, it has to, think of it as medication, you can give the patient all in once if you want, then you have to know that it won't work thzt is how it works. Instead it's small portion every day at regulars time that do the trick, I'm a doctor I do that everytime it is the process of healing one step at once. Since the day of the operation when you asked to stay in the room with us to pray I felt something that everyone did."

Nodding her head to no one in particular doctor Lee finished with what she had to do then stood not far away from young Mrs Salton happy to see her mood was coming back to what she knew, confirming that even the strongest one needs someone to remind them that their doing go.

Crossing her arms on her torso she shook her head thinking back at that day which changed the way she thought life was, destroying all her scientifical beliefs, that day she felt so small it was a shame. She one of the best in her line of work at some point fear for her life relaying on the praying in a God that mostly a legend for her.

"...Before you entered you know, the air was tick like, like it felt difficult to do normal thing, things where going like in a daze, I felt a great need to sleep and I could tell you everyone in there felt the same.bthztbisbthe reason why doctor Solano agreed that you entered, it was like at least you will be there if it turned bad. But as soon as you sat holding your wife hand and started doing your thing...It was like everything cleared up, that day she could have died I'm sure of that. I tell you that from the top of my heart, I'm not one of those fervent believers you know I barely go to church let alone talk about spiritual things relates... Until that day... Until you."

Still holding her hand Ameril kept her gaze on Ariana beautiful face she felt like she will open her eyes at any moment to greet her with her dazzling smile. She was her world, the information the doctor gave her encouraged her to not let her faith wave whatever time it could take.
Sighing deeply she averted her eyes on the woman near her to see her already looking at her.

"Thanks you I needed to hear that." Doing her best she made that Small smile that doctor Lee knew was something very rare to see.

"What you need is to rest a little more. You can't keep doing that to You." Taking her chance in another try the doctor added crossing her fingers for her to give in, she really couldn't continued that way it wasn't healthy

"Doctor don't worry I'm a light sleeper when I want. I can sleep thirty minutes to hold on one day. Or stay awake but still have my body rest. It depends of how I feel right now even if I want I can't really sleep but I will try."

"Trying is already something."

A last glance at them, doctor Lee walked out of the room envying Mrs Salton luck to have someone like her wife, she knew that she could give everything she possess to be love as the woman was, or if the case occurred turned gay just to have someone looking at her as the young woman looked at her wife.

A bit daydreaming of a reality that could have her be love like that, she had to shake herself out of it by the noise of her pager that completely brought her into reality, they needed her in room 9, reminder of the fact that for the time being she could be useful for others love could wait.

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