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Looking around her amused, Ameril could understand why Amber reacted like that seriously, they all were awestruck to be sitting in the same table than THE Ariana Niké Salton Fox herself, the richest woman in town, and one of the top ten of the country. Her presence was a myth, she wasn't the kind to show her face everywhere in fact it was like she didn't exist at all, Ameril and most of the people present never saw her in real, this was a real shock.

Not to mention the fact that she had the kind of beauty that some could pass a lifetime seeing only on TV where most of those women was fake, faces covered with tone of make up, hers looked so natural with the small amount she put, Ameril suspected that she certainly was better without it .

Studying her discreetly since she was currently sitting in front of her she could understand the reaction, she was outstandingly stunning like really you wouldn't think she was an actual human being as everyone here, better a goddess no surprise one of her name, Niké was the name of the goddess of victory her parents must have knew, or not she was born Salton Fox victory run in her blood.

As she stood up to let Olivia picked something that felt, between them Ameril took her in. She had on a light purple suit pants with a white tank top and a vest with the same color as the pant. Personally Ameril would find it hideous but on her it was completely a piece of art. The attention she got seemed to not faze her but Ameril knew it was just an act.

Looking around her the young woman could see that the big hall conference in which the meeting was about to start contained at least twenty person, the ones in the church group , the members of the youth group, two members of the community projet, a representant of the mayor, who currently acted all in awe to be there the Mayor will certainly regret his absence the man never lost an occasion to pester everyone who had money that he met.

Serena seemed to be prepared by the way she received the strangers, now she were chatting with Olivia O'Casey the director of Salton Deco AKA the woman who always purchased Ameril to be the cover of her journal, because Deco has many branches one of them was the local news paper which was not so local if it had Salton or Fox links to it.

Speaking of the devil theirs eyes met causing a non so professional big smile on Mrs O'Casey previous stern with a fake smile face which at least made her prettier, the young woman thought.

"If that is not a surprise! who do we have here!?" Switching her eyes from Serena to an annoyed Ameril, her hands in the air questioningly " You never told me Ameril will be there, it's a great pleasure to have you, things get more interesting."

After staring at all the people in the room in a dramatic way that only her knew how to do, she quickly put one of her hand on her heart apologetically.

"Not that you all aren't but hey! My little nerdy is here!! We all know how it get when she's there."

The playful tone of voice she used to said it like they were friends, caused a low growl to escaped the brunette mouth, at least she knew her children so she could let it pass. While everyone started laughing in agreement, Ameril rolled her eyes amused only this woman could call her that , she thought shaking her head, while maintaining her gaze. The exchange highly amused Ariana who behind her blank face really wanted to know who the young woman was.

"Hello to you too Mrs O'Casey. The way you said it someone will think that I'm a lost prodigy who came back home after being missing for a long time. I thought a story like that one was only in the Bible. Seriously I'm just me, plain and simply me. And before you ask the answer is no. Yeah I know you have no intention of asking. Let me be a fool."

Ameril bluntly continued without stopping at Olivia contorted face as she spoke, pretty aware of what she would be asking afterward if she wanted to pose for her. The woman never shy away that they could be surrounded by people to ask. Pursing her lips at Olivia attempts to play it off she met Mrs Salton interrogative gaze.

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