Chapter 1

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(A/N: Hi. Welcome. Thank you for reading. Just letting you know that Vici is pronounced like Vikki. Ok, enjoy. XxD)


"You called, big brother?" Veronica Von Doom asked as she walked into her brother's conference room where she was met with a pleasant surprise.

"Reed. Benny. Good to see you," she smiled as she wrapped them both in a hug.

"Long time Ronnie," Ben smiled as he pulled away.

"Too long," she huffed before she turned to Reed. "Vici told me about your proposal. You already have my vote. This could do a lot of good if it works."

"If it works," her brother's voice sounded as he got down from the highchair that overlooked the conference table, his ominous-looking logo in steel metal behind him.

"I designed those shields myself, Vic. If Reeds figures are right, which they are knowing him, then they'll hold."

"You working for your brother now?" Ben asked and Veronica gave him a small smile as her brother stood by her side.

"No. I'm in manufacturing. I help create all the little toys my brother supplies. He seems to have lost his taste for invention and adventure these days."

"Well, someone has to run this company. And I'm taking you to space. Is that not an adventure?" he asked as he placed a hand on her shoulder.

"It's one I'm interested in," came a voice and Reed and Ben turned to see a woman clad in a brown pantsuit. Reed looked somewhat pained at the sight of her.

"You both know my director of genetic research, Susan Storm," Victor said, face still blank and only his sister could hear the smugness in his voice. Only she'd known him long enough to be able to hear it. He always did resent Reed for his time with Sue and it was clear by his reaction to seeing her that there were still some feelings left for her.

"Be nice," Veronica warned her brother in a hushed tone as Sue hugged Ben and gave Reed a firm handshake, a sense of hostility in her features.

Victor only gave his sister a small smirk before his voice echoed slightly as he asked, "This isn't going to be a problem is it?"


"Not at all!"

Both Reed and Sue said in unison as Victor marched over and stood by Sue's side, Veronica sighing as she moved to join them. She chose to stand on the side, Reed and Ben on her left and Vic and Sue on her right.

"Good. Sue, you are just in time to hear the great Reed Richards as me for help," Victor said as he walked and Veronica rolled her eyes, Ben smiling at the action as Reed looked quite unnerved and uncomfortable. "You know that you made a lot of folks at MIT feel like a junior high science fair, so you'll forgive me if I savour the moment," Victor smiled as his hand rested on Sue's back, essentially bragging that he had the woman Reed wanted on his arm.

Reed took a breath before he said, "You back this mission, and I'll sign over a fair percentage of any applications -"

"The number's 75," Victor interrupted. "And all its applications and patents."

"Vic," Veronica chastised but he waved her off as Ben said,

"What about his firstborn child?"

Veronica huffed a laugh at her long-time friend as her brother resumed speaking, smiling but unamused by Ben's sarcasm.

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