Chapter 29

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Reed was tracking Victor as Veronica flew and Ben updated everyone, Johnny flying close so he could hear.

"Ok, we're now officially enemies of the united states of America, Victor is out there somewhere with unlimited power, and we've got a giant intergalactic force that's about to destroy our planet in less than 24 hours. Did I miss anything?"

"Always the ray of sunshine Benny," Veronica smiled.

"I've got a lock on Victor's energy trail. He's headed over South-East China," Reed exclaimed in victory. "Veronica?"

The woman smiled wickedly as she said, "Hang on."

And gunned the engine.


Their flight was smooth up until the point where the lock on Victor's energy trail began to fade.

"Reed?" Veronica asked in confusion before the ship swerved as they were hit.

"What the hell was that?!" Ben asked as Veronica scrambled to get the ship to fly properly.

And then her brother came into view.

"Victor! The board is drawing the destroyer here! You have to give it up!" Reed tried to reason, a futile effort.

"You know I've never been the giving type Reed," Victor responded and Veronica had had enough. She jerked the ship, knocking her brother before going into a steep dive.

As she flew, she noticed Johnny not with them.

"Now is not the time to be a hero, Hot Shot," she muttered as she evaded the craters that appeared in the river she flew over.

"We're sitting ducks," Ben grimaced as she flew.

"We're going to have to split up. Ronnie!"

"What?!" Sue screamed, not equipped to fly.

"Yeah, yeah I got it," she said as she hit a big red button and she felt them separate.

"Stay close to me Sue," Reed said.

"This ought to be fun," Ben smiled and off they went.

Victor made an entire mountain crumble.

"TRY HARDER VICI!" Veronica screamed at him as she used her powers to move the crumbling rocks, forming a tunnel that they all flew effortlessly through.

Then he blew up the sides of the great wall of China, giving Sue a hard time.

"He's really pissing me off!" she yelled as she tried to shake him, Reed pulling her out of the way as the wall crumbled.

"Surf's up metal head," Ben yelled as he flew past Victor, sending him tumbling through the sky with a massive punch.

"Victor! Only the Surfer can stop the destroyer, but he needs his board!" Reed said as he hovered next to Victor. Why this man tried to reason with him, Veronica would never know.

"Come and get it, Richards," Victor said.

"Victor!" Johnny said as the five of them, six including the Surfer, circled him.

"Let's all go for a spin!" Victor said evilly as he sent them flying after spinning them silly inside a tornado.

Veronica braced herself as she bounced and crashed, skidding along the people-filled streets of a Chinese city.

She was dizzy and disoriented, vaguely aware of the blood dripping down her face.

"Veronica! Ronnie?! Baby, you ok?!" asked Johnny's voice as he pulled her from the seat, uncaring as their powers switched and he scooped her up.

"I'm good," she promised as Johnny flew, using her power, and landing with the rest of the team.

"Oh my god!" Veronica gasped as she saw the javelin impaled in Sue's chest.

Johnny wanted more than anything to help his sister, but he was reminded not to touch her by Ben. So, he settled for hugging Veronica as their powers switched back, feeling absolutely helpless.

But that feeling only grew as the wind began to blow and the sky began to grumble as one big thick dark cloud covered it, seeming to be alive, and the Surfer said, "He is here." 

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