8: I guess he's not really gone.

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Y/n's pov

After my dad said that, I almost started crying again, but I held it in.

I knocked on the door, but only got to the second knock, before Mrs. Wheeler opened the door and pulled me into a hug.

"Hi, honey. How are you holding up?" She asked sadly.

"I'm... Sad." I said quietly, desperately trying to keep my tears in.

"Mike's downstairs, and there's some chips down there too." She said giving me one last hug before she walked to the kitchen.

I walked down to the basement, memories of D&D campaigns flooding through my brain.

It would never be the same without him-

I was cut out of my thoughts by Mike running up to me.

"Will's alive!" He yelled in my face.

"Oh. Wait, WHAT?!?!" I yelled in his face.

"El must've channeled him or something, because he was singing that weird song he likes on the supercom." Mike said, way too quickly.

"Woah, slow down Mike." I said, still processing what he just said.

"Sorry, but, WILL'S ALIVE!" He whisper shouted, really close to my face.

"How?!" I asked, grabbing his shoulders and shaking him.

"I don't know, but tomorrow we're gonna have a meeting with Dustin and Lucas. We'll find out tomorrow!" He said, then rushed over to the sofa and laid down, closing his eyes like someone was timing how fast he could fall asleep.

"Jeez, Michael." I mumbled to myself.

Then I remembered that El was there.

I walked over to her makeshift tent and sat down in front of her.

She looked up at me, and I smiled at her.

"Hi, El." I said.

She smiled.

"Hi, y/n." She replied sweetly.

"I brought you something." I said, reaching in my bag and pulling out a book. "This is a book, this one's called the secret garden."

"Maybe I can teach you how to read." I shrugged.

"Read?" She asked curiously, flipping the pages in the book.

"Yeah. Read." I smiled.

She just looked at me, confused.

"Would you like me to read you some?" I asked.

"Yes." She replied quietly.

I took the book back from her and sat down beside her in the tent.

"Chapter 1: There is no one left. When Mary Lennox was...." I started reading, El leaning against me, resting her head on my shoulder.

After awhile, I fell asleep.


The next morning, I woke up, still in the tent, El sleeping peacefully beside me.

I quietly climbed out of the tent, to see Mike sleeping on the sofa, his face smushed into the pillow.

Laughing to myself, I grabbed my bag and walked to the bathroom, the one by the laundry machines.

I quietly closed the door behind me, setting my bag down. I got changed into the clothes I had brought, then brushed my teeth, combed through my hair and headed out of the bathroom.

When I walked out, Mike was just getting up off the sofa.

"Good morning, Michael!" I said loudly in his face.

He groaned in return.

"Sleep much?" I asked.

"No." He said.

"So are we gonna call a meeting, or-" I asked, setting my backpack down.

"Oh, yeah!" Mike remembered, suddenly more awake then before.

I snickered at his sudden change of mood as he called Dustin and Lucas.

I ran upstairs to get us some breakfast, to find already toasted eggos and a note that said, 'Michael and Y/n. I had to go out but I'll be back soon, make sure you have breakfast. Love, mom.'

Mrs. Wheeler and my mom were extremely close, resulting in her being like my second mom.

I grabbed the six Eggos and put them on three plates.

Two for me, two for Mike and two for El.

Mike's mom didn't know about El, so she probably assumed that Mike and I each ate three.

I carried the plates downstairs, putting one down on the floor by El's makeshift tent, and handing one to Mike, who was sitting on the small sofa.

"Thanks." He said as he took a bite.

"No problem, are the guys coming?" I asked, taking a bite myself.

"Yeah, they'll be here soon." He responded.

I nodded. "Where's El?" I asked.

"Bathroom." He answered.

Just then, El came out of the bathroom.

I smiled at her, and she smiled back, looking happy.

"There's some eggos for you there, El." I said pointing to her tent.

She rushed over to them and immediately started eating, like she hadn't in years.

I chuckled at her love for Eggos.

Word count: 764

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