29: The interrogation.

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3rd persons pov

Y/n sighed as she and Dustin paced restlessly around the kitchen.

All of a sudden, Hopper burst through the door with Joyce, Jonathan and Mike.

"What happened?" Dustin asked.

The chief flew to a piece of paper and wrote something down quickly.

"I think he's talking, just not with words." Hopper explained.

"Dash, dot, dash, dot..." The chief wrote down.

"What is that?" Steve asked.

"Morse code." Y/n and the rest of the party said in unison, except for Max who looked confused.

"H-e-r-e.." The chief decoded it.

"Here." Everyone said in unison.

"Will's still in there. He's talking to us." Hopper said, quickly.

Jonathan went to grab something from his room.

"How'd you get him to talk?" Y/n asked Joyce.

"Memories." Joyce answered as Jonathan came back with a stereo and raced back out to the shed with hopper, Joyce and Mike.

In the shed, Jonathan placed a cassette into the stereo and the first beats of should I stay or should I go by The Clash started playing as they talked.

"Do you remember the first time I played you this? Mom and dad were arguing in the next room so I played you the mixtape I made you. And it was the first time you got into music. Real music." Jonathan said as Hopper collected Will's taps and sent them through to the party Inside.

Y/n wrote them down and Lucas and Max helped translate.

"C!" Lucas called to y/n who was situated in the kitchen.

"And then the party escaped into the sewers and there were those big insect things, and you guys were still on level one..." Mike recounted to Will in the shed.

"L!" Lucas called to y/n, who wrote it down quickly.

"Dash, dash.." Dustin looked at the decoder.

"O!" Max called.

"Then you cast fog cloud and you saved us. You saved the whole party." Mike said.

"S!" Max called to y/n, who was now furiously scribbling on the paper.

"You saw that girl crying in the sandbox..." Joyce started, sounding like she was going to cry.

"E!" Lucas shouted.

"You gave her your tonka truck and I told you we couldn't afford to buy another one." Joyce said.

"G!" Lucas yelled.

"You said she should have it because she's sad. She's sad mommy." Joyce said, crying.

"A!" Max called.

"I love you so much." Joyce said to her possessed son.

"T!" Lucas yelled.

"So, so much." Joyce said, sobbing.

"E." Max said and y/n wrote the last letter as they all gathered around the table.

"close gate." They all read.

Suddenly, the phone rang from where it was mounted on the wall, letting out a shrill, piercing sound.

"Shit shit!" Dustin said as he, Nancy, y/n, Max, Steve, and Lucas all ran to the phone.

Dustin pulled the phone away from the receiver quickly and put it back.

"No-dust-" y/n said.

Unsurprisingly, the phone started to ring again.

Y/n ripped the phone right off the wall and threw it down on the floor with an angered grunt.

Dustin admired her proudly.

"Do you think he heard it?" Max asked, referring to Will in the shed.

"It's just a phone. It could be anywhere... right?" Steve asked, his arms crossed.

Y/n's pov

Everything was eerily silent until the horrible screech of a demodog in the distance echoed around us.

We all neared the window, curious and afraid.

"That's not good." Dustin said from beside me.

"Yeah, no shit, Dustin." I said.

Everyone from the shed entered the house, Hopper being the last.

He marched to the kitchen and grabbed the other rifle.

His eyes widened when he spotted us all squished together on the couch, peering out the window.

"Hey! Hey, get away from the windows!" He barked at us.

We scrambled off the couch and everyone else gathered in the living room.

"Do you know how to use this?" Hopper asked Jonathan, holding up the gun.

"What?" Jonathan asked, processing the sudden change of events.

"Can you use this?!" Hopper asked.

"I can." Nancy said, catching the rifle that Hopper tossed her as she and Hopper both cocked their guns and took aim.

Everyone was packed together in a protective huddle.

Steve had his spike bat raised and was standing protectively in front of us kids, Lucas had his wrist rocket, Dustin had an old tennis racket and was standing slightly in front of me, Mike had a trophy, Max grabbed her skateboard and I had a thick piece of wood I had found lying outside and thought it would be useful for later.

It was silent and tense for a while before growls sounded from outside the door.

The growling got Louder and louder and closer and closer until it stopped completely.

I heard a loud screech as a demodog suddenly flew through the now broken window.

Everyone screamed or yelled.

We all waited completely still for a moment, before I stepped out from behind Dustin and Steve and poked the demodog's head with the piece of wood.

"Y/n, don't-" Steve said, like he was my mom.

"It's dead." I clarified.

We all whipped our heads around to face the door where something unusual was happening.

The deadbolt unlocked itself.

We all slowly and silently got a bit closer to the door as it clicked and the chain lock slid open on its own.

With soft and muffled creaks from the tumblers, the door slowly opened with a painfully slow creak.

A figure entered the house, clad in dark clothing, white converse, dark makeup and hair slicked back.

Everyone's weapons lowered and we all stared in shock at the girl standing in front of us.

The girl, dressed like joan Jett or siouxsie sioux, with a bleeding nose, was none other than Eleven.

El, my first real friend that was a girl.

El, the first girl Mike had a crush on.

El, the girl that up until now, we thought was dead.

El, the girl we had found in the woods while looking for Will.

El, the girl that had taught me so much, and yet she knew so little.

El, the first psychic we had ever befriended.

El, Mike's first kiss.

El, the girl who protected us.

And most importantly, El, my best friend.

Word count : 1033

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