10: Bad place- Sweden!

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Y/n's pov

As we walked inside the school, El looked around like she was at Disney land, when really it was a hell hole full of trolls.

"Remember, if anyone see's us, look sad." Mike reminded as we walked towards the A.V. room.

We walked up to the door and Mike tried the handle, which didn't budge.

"Locked." Mike sighed in disappointment.

"Now how are we gonna get in there?" I asked in frustration.

"Boys and Y/n?" I heard a man's voice ask from behind me.

I turned around to face Mr. Clarke.

"What are you four doing here? The assembly's about to start." He said with a confused expression.

"We know, we've just been... Sad." Mike explained, putting on a fake sad face.

"Very sad." I nodded, not helping.

The four of us were frozen in place and I could tell that El was freaked out.

"We came to... Cry." Dustin added, saying the first thing that came to mind, which obviously didn't help the situation.

How on earth was Mr. Clarke going to believe this.

He isn't stupid.

"Yeah, I know it's hard for you guys but you need to be there. For Will. Then, the Heathkit's yours for the rest of the day." Mr. Clarke declared, to my surprise, tossing Mike the keys.

Maybe Mr. Clarke is stupid.

Mr. Clarke glanced behind me, where El was standing.

"I don't believe we've met, what's your name?" He asked her.

Oh, man.

"Elev-" El started to say.

"Eleanor!" Mike cut her off quickly.

Nice save, Mike.

"She's Mike's..." I tried to think of a reasonable lie.

"Cousin!" Lucas added on.

"Second cousin." Dustin finished for us, holding up two fingers.

"She's here for the funeral." Mike said, surprisingly calmly.

It was weird, trust me, because we all have a weird thing we do when we're nervous.

Mike's is stuttering, Dustin's is hand sweating, Lucas usually shifts his weight from one side to the other, mine is avoiding eye contact and Will is just kind of always nervous.

"Well, welcome to Hawkins, Eleanor. Too bad you couldn't come under better circumstances." Mr. Clarke said.

"Thank you." El spoke softly.

"Where are you from?" Mr. Clarke asked.

Oh boy.

Damn you, Mr. Clarke and your dreaded small-talk.

"Bad place-" El shook her head, making all our eyes go wide.

"Sweden!" Dustin said, cutting El off.

"I have a lot of Swedish family." Mike explained.

"She hates it there." I added.

"Cold, very cold!" Lucas finished, imitating a shiver.

"Sub-Zero." Dustin said.

Mr. Clarke seemed very confused and there was a long pause of silence before anyone finally spoke.

"Shall we?" He asked.

We all nodded in agreement, confused ourselves as we commenced our walk down the hallway.

Word count: 463

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