16: The plan that surprisingly worked.

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Y/n's pov

Dustin and I were both pacing his living room, trying to devise a plan that would actually work.

"So we've already established that you need to be here and- mmph-help me." Dustin said with a mouth full of chocolate.

"Yeah, and we definitely can't sleep in your room." I added. "I don't want you to wake up with your face eaten off."

"But what about my mom?" He asked.

I stopped pacing, snapped my fingers and pointed at him.

"I've got it." I said.

"You do?" Dustin asked.

"So, here's the plan: we tell our parents that I'm spending the night here, and possibly tomorrow, and we sleep in the living room in a blanket Fort so that your mom doesn't get suspicious as to why we aren't going in your room. Your mom still buys bologna in bulk, right?" I asked.

"Yeah, why?" Dustin replied.

"Okay, so in the morning we can pretend to have gotten a call from one of your neighbours saying that they saw Mews somewhere far from here, that'll give us some time to lure Dart out with the bologna, trap him in the cellar, and clean up Mews body and your carpet." I explained, talking very quickly.

"That might actually work!" Dustin said excitedly.

We high-fived and smiled at each other.

"It seems as if you can literally get me out of anything. You are probably the most master plan maker I've ever met." Dustin sighed, smiling.

I giggled.

"God, you're such a dork." I said with a smile.

His face went slightly red and he looked down as I brushed his curls back into place.

We were awfully close, and just as he started leaning closer to me, Mrs. Henderson came back in the house and I stumbled away from Dustin.

"Oh, hello, y/n!" She said, hugging me.

"You staying the night, hun?" She asked with a smile and her hands on her hips.

"Yeah, if it's alright, and I might stay tomorrow too." I said with a smile.

"Oh! It's always alright!" She said, wiggling her eyebrows at Dustin and walking to the kitchen.

"I gotta run to my house for a second, I'll be back in... probably 7 minutes" I said, estimating.

"Okay... can I come?" Dustin asked.

"Sure!" I said, and we walked out the front door.

Once we were inside my house, I went to the kitchen.

My parents were both at work and tonight was their 'date night' so I wouldn't need to be there, since it would just be me.

I opened a drawer to reveal a note pad.

I picked up a random pen and quickly scribbled out "Staying at Dustin's tonight and tomorrow night. Have a fun date night. Love you. -Y/n."

I went into my living room to find Dustin looking at all my family photos, specifically the ones of me.

"Hey, dust?" I asked.

"Oh, uh, yeah?" He asked, snapping out of zoning out and turning red.

I chuckled at his embarrassment.

"I'm just gonna go upstairs to get my clothes and stuff. I'll only be a second." I said as he nodded and subconsciously went back to staring at this year's family photos, the ones mostly of me.

What do you think? I think you're an idiot. (Dustin Henderson x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now