13: Party meeting.

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Y/n's pov

Mike came back from using the school phone while trying to get in touch with Will.

"Anything?" Lucas asked him.

"We need to talk. A.V. room. Right now." Mike said.

Dustin, Max and I stood up from where we were sitting on the stairs and started following Lucas and Mike into the school.

Mike looked over his shoulder to where Max was.

"Party members only!" Mike shouted.

"Come on, Mike!" I said, starting to get irritated at how he was treating her.

"No! This is non-negotiable!" Mike said.

Mike walked inside, and Lucas and Dustin followed.

"Sorry Max." Lucas said as he passed her.

"Yeah, sorry. Come on, Y/n." Dustin said as he too walked inside.

"Uh, one minute." I said to Dustin with a smile, before turning to Max.

"Let me guess, you're really sorry but I can't come because it's super serious?" Max said, looking really sad.

I sighed, and nodded.

"Something like that. I really am sorry, and I don't know why Mike is being such a jerk face lately, but I think it's about Will, and... I'm sorry but I just have to." I explained, looking down at my shoes.

I gave her a small sad smile, reaching for the door handle when she spoke.

"Y/n?" She asked.

"Yeah?" I said.

"Uh, thanks... for standing up for me, I mean. And at least trying to get me in your party." She said with a small smile.

I smiled back.

"Of course. And don't worry, I'm gonna get you in, I just gotta figure out how." I said, opening the door and walking inside.

We met up in the A.V. room, and we all took a seat.

"Will didn't want me to tell anyone, but on Halloween night, he saw a sort of shadow in the sky." Mike explained.

"A shadow?" Lucas asked.

Mike nodded.

"What do you mean by shadow?" I asked.

"I don't know, but it scared him. And if Will really has true sight... I mean if he can really see into the upside down, then what he saw on the field was the same shadow." Mike concluded.

"Maybe." I said.

"Can it hurt him? I mean, if the shadow thing isn't from our world..." Lucas said.

"I'm not sure, Dustin?" Mike asked.

"Well, if you're in another plane, you can't interact with that material plane so, theoretically, no, it can't hurt him." Dustin said.

"Yeah, if that's even happening. This isn't D&D, this is real life." Mike said.

"True but, yesterday he was so... different." I said.

"So what do we do?" Lucas asked, breaking the silence.

"We acquire more knowledge. I'll go to Will's after school. You guys stay here and look for Dart." Mike said firmly.

"Okay, but what does Dart have to do with this?" Dustin asked, quite defensively.

"Will said he heard him in the upside down. I don't know how yet, but he's gotta be connected to all this. He's gotta be." Mike said.

Mike stood up, as did the rest of us.

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