3: Halloween morning.

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Y/n's pov

It was Halloween day, and I was super excited.

I was getting ready in my Janine Melnitz costume.

Sure, she wasn't a real ghostbuster, but she did help them out on the occasion, plus, she was pretty badass.

I was finally ready to go, and all in all, I looked... Great.

"Ready to go yet?!" Dustin asked through the radio.

He had been waiting 'forever' as he had claimed.

"Almost!" I said.

I ran downstairs and grabbed my lunch off my counter, stuffing it in my backpack.

Then my mom came downstairs with her camera.

Oh, man.

After many, many photos, she finally let me go to school.

"Have a fun day at school honey!" My mom said, kissing my cheek and I hastily rubbed the lipstick clean off my face.

"I'll try. Bye dad!" I yelled to my dad who was sitting in the kitchen.

"Bye sweetie!" He called back.

I raced out the door, the crisp fall air hitting my face as I grabbed my bike and pedalled to Dustin's driveway next to mine.

I propped up my bike with the kickstand and knocked on the door.

"Oh! Y/n! You look so good!" Mrs. Henderson gushed at my costume.

"Come in and let me take a picture of you!" She squealed, pulling me into her warm house.

I walked into the house to be met with a smiling Dustin.

"Hey, Ray." I said.

"Hey, Janine." he said.

"Okay, Dustin, stand next to y/n." Mrs. Henderson said, her camera up at her face.

"Wow! Okay, yes! Good." She said, her camera flashing every few seconds as Dustin swung an arm over my shoulder with a smirk and I could feel my face start to heat up.

After we had posed and took many, many more photos, we finally actually got to go to school.

Dustin and I rode our bikes all the way to the school to see Mike and Lucas chaining up their bikes, and we did the same, all of us singing the ghostbusters theme song.

Will came up behind us.

"Who you gonna call?!?" He asked.

"Ghostbusters!" We all replied.

"Spangler!" Dustin said. "Egon, yeah!"

Will looked at me. "You decided to do it!" He said loudly.

I nodded with a smile.

"'Course I did!" I chuckled.

"Melnitz!" He said to me.

"Venkman!" Will said to lucas.

"Woah, woah, woah." Mike said.

He and Lucas both had 'VENKMAN' embroidered across their chests.


Well, here they go again.

"I'm Venkman." Mike said.

"No, i'm Venkman!" Lucas snapped.

"Didn't I tell you guys MONTHS ago, that if you were both Venkman then I would be pissed?" I said, placing my hands on my hips. "This always happens!"

Dustin and I glanced at each other, knowing well, what was about to happen.

You could almost see the steam coming from both of their heads.

"Why can't there be two Venkmans?" Will asked, trying to disperse the brewing fight.

"Because there's only one Venkman in real life! We planned this months ago! Dustin's Stanz,
y/n's Melnitz, Will's Egon, I'm Venkman, and you're Winston." Mike said, pointing to each of us as he spoke.

"I specifically didn't agree to Winston." Lucas said.

"Yes you did!" Mike argued.

"No one wants to be Winston, man." Lucas said, while Dustin and I nodded our heads in agreement.

"He joined the team super late, he's not funny, and he's not even a scientist!" Lucas explained.

"Yeah, but he's still cool." Mike said.

"Come on, Lucas. I'm the receptionist for god's sake!" I said, trying and failing to end their fight.

Lucas smiled at me, then frowned at Mike.

"Fine, if Winstons so cool then YOU be him." Lucas said.

"I can't." Mike said quietly.

"Why not?" Lucas spat.

"B-because..." Mike started.

"B-b-because you're not black?" Lucas said, mimicking Mike's small stutter.

"I didn't say that!" Mike said.

"Well, you thought it." Lucas said.

The two boys kept arguing and Dustin turned around.

"...guys?" He said and I walked up to him.

He was looking at all the kids getting off the bus in their regular clothes.

"Well, shit." I said.

"Guys!" Dustin and I said in sync to the other three boys who turned our way and a terrified look came across their faces.

Well great. Just terrific.

Word count: 727

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