20: Meat buckets and music.

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Y/n's pov

We got out of the car in a parking lot that lead to a trail to get onto the train tracks, the doors slamming behind us.

Steve popped his trunk to reveal three buckets of meat, three pairs of yellow rubber gloves, his bat and a container of gasoline.

Dustin's headset suddenly went off and Lucas's voice came into our hearing range.

"Well, well, well. Look who it is." Dustin said into his headset as we got all our monster hunting gear out of the trunk.

"I'm sorry, man. My stupid sister turned it off." Lucas explained into the radio.

"Well, while you were having sister problems, Dart grew again, he escaped, and I'm pretty sure he's a baby Demogorgon." Dustin said, casually, putting on the yellow rubber gloves that I handed him.

Lucas didn't seem to process that truckload of information very well as I put my cassette in my Walkman and placed my headphones around my neck.

"Wait-what?" Lucas asked.

"I'll explain later. Just meet Y/n and Steve and I at the old junkyard." Dustin said, picking up a bucket of meat as Steve fumbled with his keys and gloves.

"It's 'Me, Y/n and Steve', Dustin." I corrected, earning an eye roll and a goofy smile from him.

I snatched Steve's keys from where they were clenched between his teeth, allowing him to properly put on his rubber gloves.

Another wave of shock hit Lucas abruptly, because he replied with, "Steve?"

"Thanks." Steve said, taking the keys back from me.

"And bring your binoculars and wristrocket." Dustin added.

"Steve Harrington?" Lucas asked again.

"No, Lucas. Steve Rogers. Yes, Steve Harrington, who else?" I spoke into my radio.

We had all finished packing up and Steve spoke from behind us.

"Alright, let's go." He said, closing the trunk.

Dustin grabbed the other meat bucket from Steve's hand.

"Just be there, stat." Dustin said into his headset."Over and out."

"Okay, guys. Let's roll." I said as we walked up to the tracks and I pressed play on my Walkman and put the headphones on my ears, the loud tones of 'Uptown Girl' by Billy Joel blared into my ears, already half way over from the last time I had listened to music.

"By the way, I won't be able to hear you." I said to the two boys who were walking in front of me.

Dustin gave me a thumbs up and a big smile and Steve nodded raising his eyebrows as the two of them walked quite ahead of me.

I held down the side button and fast forwarded  through to the next song, the first notes of  'Everybody Wants To Rule The World' by Tears For Fears coming through the headphone speakers.

(3rd persons pov)

The cubes of meat hit the wooden ties of the track as Y/n danced around to her music behind Dustin and Steve.

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