16: The escape from the secret Russian elevator.

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Y/n's pov

Dustin was the first to wake up in the morning, rudely awakening the rest of us by screaming "WAKE UP!" At the top of his lungs. I groaned and sat up, my back aching from being sprawled on the hard metal floors all night with only my backpack and Dustin as a pillow.

"Dustin, not so loud." I said, rubbing my eyes and holding the back of my head as a headache started to form.

"Sorry, my love." He apologized softly, gently pulling me to my feet as I placed my backpack down on the metal table.

I leaned my forehead on his shoulder and closed my eyes, sleep deprived as he wrapped his arms around my waist in a warm hug.

"Ah-hem." Steve cleared his throat awkwardly once he finally got up.

"Shut up, Steve." I said, not bothering to open my eyes.

"Yeah, shut up Steve." Dustin agreed.

I let out a yawn, pulling away from Dustin and kissing his cheek before stretching and going to look through my bag as Dustin giggled.

Steve helped Dustin get up to the roof with his walkie to try and get some sort of a signal from anyone and Steve soon joined him on the roof.

I was sorting out the things I had in my backpack when I heard Steve say something along the lines of, "Petey the mall cop is just gonna repel down here?" From up on the metal roof.

That was the final straw of stupid and hilarious things Steve had said this summer and I burst out laughing, my hands on my knees as I tried to catch my breath.

After that, I busied myself with helping Robin at the control panel, handing her a single granola bar that I had packed five of. I know, I know, not an exactly ideal amount for the situation we were in but in my defence, I didn't know we would be spending the night involuntarily, trapped in a secret Russian elevator.

"Don't eat it all right away. It's the only one I have for you and who knows how long we'll be down here." I said as she took it with an extremely thankful smile.

All of a sudden, there was a trickling sound like water and i turned my head to see one of the boys relieving himself on the side of the elevator shaft.

"Oh, gross." I grimaced.

"Can you redirect your stream, please?" Robin called up to the roof. The piss moved to the part of wall that was covered by the shelf and Robin shuddered in disgust. Just as we both turned back to the panel, there was a loud banging noise from behind us.

We turned once more to see Erica banging the tube of green substance on the side of the metal table, presumably trying to break the tempered glass.

"Hey, Hey!" Robin said, running up to Erica and taking the cylinder away from her. "Be careful!"

"We don't even know what that is." I pointed out, coming to stand beside Robin.

"Exactly. It could be useful." The younger girl reasoned.

"Useful how?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"We can survive down here a long time without food." Erica said as I whipped another granola bar out of my pocket and thrusted it into her hand. "Thank you y/n, but if the human body doesn't get water, it will die."

"I hate to break it to you but this is not water." Robin explained, waving the tube in the air.

"No, but it's a liquid, and if it comes down to me drinking that shit or dying of thirst, I drink." Erica said.

"Okay... but you're not thinking rationally, what if it's some type of acid or chemical?" I asked. "Plus I brought some water anyways so I think- Robin?"

I stopped talking when I noticed that Robin had her ear pressed up to the metal wall that had formerly been doors.

Her eyes went wide when a whirring noise echoed from outside.

Robin ran over to the hatch to let Steve and Dustin know while Erica and I got the backpacks.

We hastily passed everything up to the roof and then climbed up ourselves, closing the hatch behind us.

A few seconds later, there was a beeping noise and the sound of a large and heavy door opening came upon us as we all held our breath.

Suddenly, a man speaking in Russian's voice came from below us, along with the smell of cigarettes and Steve watched the two people who had entered the room as I clutched Dustin's hand.

Steve head shot up abruptly and he put a finger to his lips, signalling us to be silent, his eyes landing on the cylinder of green gel that Erica had insisted on bringing.

After a few silent minutes, the men had collected all of the boxes and the door was beginning to close when Steve grabbed the tube from Erica and swung down, placing the metal cylinder in between the ground and the slowly closing door that kept about a foot of space for us all to get through.

"Let's go!" Steve yelled.

Erica threw her and my bag down to Steve who slid them under the door as she jumped down. While she was slipping under, the rest of us jumped down as well.

"Go, go, go, go, go!" Steve said.

"I'm going!" Erica snapped.

"Henderson." Steve ushered Dustin under. "Go, go."

The glass on the side of the tube began to crack from the pressure of the door as Robin and I slid under at the same time.

"Come on, Steve!" I hurried as I got to my feet.

The second Steve was safely on the other side of the door, the vial broke and the door slammed down, completely crushing it.

Steve shot up as the green substance sizzled on the metal and ate it's way through the floor.

"Jesus Christ." Steve said as he got to his feet.

I watched as the acid like goop bubbled and emitted an awful burning smell.

"You still want to drink that?" I snickered, turning to Erica.

We watched it slowly disappear, sinking into the floors more and more.

"Holy mother of god." Dustin spoke suddenly, making us all turn around.

There in front of us was a long hallway, a hallway that we couldn't see the end of, probably longer than the elevator shaft.

"Oh, shit." I said with wide eyes.

"Well..." Steve began. "Hope you guys are in good shape."

He shouldered between Dustin and I, patting Dustin's chest.

"Looking at you, Roast beef." Steve said, quoting Dustin's shirt.

We all watched as he started to walk down the hallway, only looking back when we didn't follow.

"Let's go, come on." He ushered.

I put a hand in Dustin's back, pushing him forwards as Robin did the same for Erica.

Dustin looked up at me, offended. "Why me?" He asked.

I just shook my head at him. "You're Perfect, Dustin." I kissed his cheek and booped his nose.

Word count: 1189

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