15: Because she's a traitor!

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Y/n's pov

"It's not a magnet" Lucas said.

He pointed at El.

"She's been acting weirder then normal. If she can shut a door with her mind, she can definitely screw with a compass." He said.

"Why would she do that?!" Mike yelled in Lucas's face.

"Because she wants to sabotage our mission! Because she's a traitor!!" Lucas barked.

He stomped up to El

"You did it, didn't you?" Lucas asked her.

El didn't answer.

"You don't want us to find the gate! You don't want us to find Will! Admit it!!!" He yelled.

"No-" El stammered.

Lucas picked up El's wrist, then dropped it back down harshly.

"Fresh blood, I knew it!" He shouted.

"I saw her wiping her nose on the tracks. She's been using her powers!" Lucas explained angrily.

"Bull, that's old blood, right El?" Mike defended her.

"Right, El?" He repeated.

Eleven started to cry.

"It's... not...safe." She said quietly.

"What did I tell you! She's been playing us from the beginning!" Lucas yelled.

"That's not true, she helped us find Will!" Mike argued.

"Where is he then? Huh? I don't see him!" Lucas spat.

"You know what I mean!" Mike yelled.

"No, actually, I don't! Just think about it, Mike. She could have brought us to the upside down, but she didn't! She made us run around like headless chickens!" Lucas shouted back. "She just used us! All of us! To get what she wanted, food and a bed! She's like a stray dog!"

"Screw you!" Mike said.

"No, screw you Mike! You're blind, blind because you like that a girl isn't grossed out by you and isn't y/n. But wake up! Wake the hell up! She knows where Will is, and now she's just letting him die in the upside down!" Lucas screamed.

"Shut up!" Mike yelled.

"For all we know, it's her fault, Mike!" Lucas shouted.

"Shut up!!!" Mike yelled again.

"We've been looking for some stupid monster, but did you ever stop to think... Maybe she's the monster." Lucas said.

"I said SHUT UP!!" Mike yelled.

He ran towards Lucas and grabbed his collar, punching him.

I mean, they were wimpy punches, but they were still punches.

"Guys, stop!!" I yelled.

"Stop, stop!" El bawled.

Then she screamed, and Lucas was sent flying back into a sheet of metal, hitting his head.


"Jesus!!" I yelled, Dustin and I running over to Lucas.

"Lucas!" I said, shaking him, to no avail.

"Lucas! Are you okay?! Come on wake up!" Dustin said frantically.

"Why would you do that?! What is wrong with you? What is wrong with you?!?" Mike yelled at her, but I was trying to check Lucas's pulse, so I didn't pay attention.

"Lucas, Lucas! Come on, please wake up!" I said, checking his pulse.

His eyes darted open, and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Lucas, are you okay?" I asked, getting no reply.

"How many fingers am I holding up?" Dustin asked him, holding up three fingers, right in his face.

"Here, let me see your head-" Mike started.

"Get off of me!" Lucas shoved him away.

He got up, harshly pushing past us, and walked away, presumably going back home.

Mike tried to follow him, but Dustin and I caught his arms.

"Just let him go, man" Dustin said.

"Yeah, he just needs some space." I added, patting mike's arm in reassurance.

Mike looked around.

"Where's El?" He asked, a twang of worry coming to his voice.

Double shit.

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no!" Mike said frantically.

"El! El! Eleven!" I yelled.


We walked around, calling her name, but we didn't see or hear anything. Nothing.

She was just... Gone.

Word count: 618

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