18: The comms room.

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Y/n's pov

I glanced around, my breathing shallow as Dustin's chest pressed into my back.

The five of us were stuffed behind a large metal box, hiding from passing Russians.

Steve was poking his head out from behind the radiator, examining our surroundings.

"Okay, clear." He whispered, stepping out from behind the metal box once the last Russians had passed. "Clear, come on, let's go."

We followed him in a line as we shuffled after him, desperately trying to be undetected.

"Okay, that was close." Robin said, her voice wavering.

"Too close." Dustin agreed with her.

"Relax." Steve said. "All right? Relax. Nobody saw..."

Steve's voice trailed off and his eyes went wide as he turned the corner and I only realized why when we followed him.

I front of us was a big room with ceilings three times as high as the hallway and a balcony going through the middle of the wall. Lights were flashing through numerous windows and a dozer doors could only make us guess where they led to. The most shocking thing being the amount of Russians walking around. Some sporting lab coats and clipboards, others clad in uniforms and carrying guns.

"Shit." Steve breathed as a man carrying a gun looked our way. Dustin grabbed my hand and pulled me behind a box as Steve, Robin and Erica all ducked in behind us.

"Oh, shit. Oh god. We're gonna die. Yep, it's official. We're all gonna die!" I whispered, my death grip on Dustin's hand getting tighter.

"No, we're not." Robin said, trying to be comforting while her heart was beating out of her chest.

"Red dawn." Dustin muttered, quoting a movie we had seen that was all too fitting for our situation.

"I saw it." Erica suddenly spoke, making us all turn to her. "First floor, Northwest."

"Saw what?" Steve whispered back.

"The Comms room!" Erica whisper shouted at him.

"You saw the comms room?" I asked, staring at her.

"Correct!" She nodded.

"Are you sure?" Steve pressed.

"Positive. The door was open for a second, and I saw a bunch of lights and machines and shit in there." She elaborated.

"That could be a hundred different things." Dustin said, slightly irritated.

"I'll take those odds." Robin said.

Steve sighed and shook his head as we all poked our heads out from behind the box, staring at the door Erica had pointed out.

After a second, we all leaned back to our safe spot and looked around worriedly at each other.

"All right." Steve started. "We're gonna move fast, we're gonna stay low. Okay?"

"Jesus Steve, this is how we die." I scoffed.

"Always the optimist, aren't you?" He asked sarcastically. "Ready?"

We all nodded and followed Steve as he moved from box to box.

We moved to crouch behind another metal box, one move away from getting into that room.

"Move it." Steve said quickly, keeping his eyes on every person in sight.

Just as a man in a long white lab coat was walking out the door, Steve decided it was time.

"Let's go!" He whispered.

What do you think? I think you're an idiot. (Dustin Henderson x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant