4: Scoops ahoy, America's favourite place to cool down.

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Y/n's pov

The next morning, I got up and got ready for the day, before I remembered what had happened last night.

I raced down the street with my shoes not fully tied up and tripped, falling flat on my face in my boyfriend's driveway.

"Dusty! Your girlfriend just fell in the driveway! Are you alright hun!?" Mrs. Henderson called through the window from where she was sitting on the couch.

I raised my arm up without lifting my face and gave her a thumbs up as Dustin came tumbling out of the door.

"Holy shit, Y/n! Are you okay?!" He asked, pulling me to my feet gently and examining me for any cuts.

There was a few scrapes on my knees and one on my arm but I quickly got up, as if nothing had happened, basically bouncing up and down.

"Steve-scoops-Russian transmission- we gotta get to Starcourt!" I said, tying up my laces.

"Well, Jesus. Someone's eager. Are you sure you're alright, my love?" He asked, tying my other shoe for me.

"Hun, I'm fine!! Thank you." I said, giving him a peck on the lips.

"Alright. Let's go!" He said enthusiastically.

"Dusty!!! Is she okay??! Is Y/n okay?!?!? Are you going to scoops?!" His mom yelled at him through the front window.

Dustin gave a thumbs up and blew her a kiss, before we got on our bikes and pedalled away.


"Just let me do the talking, alright?" Dustin said as we got off our bikes.

"Uh, yeah, never gonna happen." I said as we walked inside, dodging people with our hands intertwined.

"Why can't you just let me work my magic!" He whined as we walked around a group of middle-aged women with sunglasses.

"Because, dust. Last time you 'worked your magic' we got a door slammed in our faces." I said, referring to the time with Nancy.

"The good old days." Dustin joked with a goofy smile.

"Oh, shut it." I said, playfully whacking him on the arm as we basically ran down the escalator.

Once we got to a certain part of the mall, a glowing 'Scoops Ahoy' sign captured Dustin's gaze.

"Is that it?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes playfully.

"What do you mean 'is that it'? No, that's just some other random Ice cream place with the same name." I joked.

I dragged him along and Dustin pulled us into the line up.

"What the- why are we-" I asked, confused as to why we were in the line and not just headed for the back room.

"Blending in." Dustin said, cutting me off mid-sentence.

"Right." I said, nodding and squinting my eyes at him.

Blending in, my ass.

As per usual, the one and only Robin Buckley was standing at the cash register, handing out ice cream with a bored, agitated and exhausted expression.

"Have a nice day." She drawled to an overly eager couple in front of us.

"Thank you!" They said, turning away as Dustin bounced up to the counter.

Robin sighed but her expression changed when she saw me.

She looked between Dustin and I earning a nod from me.

What do you think? I think you're an idiot. (Dustin Henderson x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now