33: The car ride.

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Y/n's pov

We were driving down the dark road in silence, apart from he occasional directions from Max or Lucas.

Yes, I was driving the car.

As far as I knew, Steve was unconscious.

He had earned quite a few punches to the face and he was one of my concerns, the biggest being not crashing the car.

Max and Lucas were squished into the passenger seat with a map and Dustin and Mike were in the back with an unconscious Steve sprawled across them.

Someone shifted and groaned in the back.

"Nancy?" I heard Steve ask.

I quickly glanced in the rear-view mirror to see Steve looking up at Mike as Mike wore a confused expression.

Steve groaned in pain as he shifted again.

He must've tried to touch his face because Dustin started to speak.

"No, don't touch it." Dustin said softly.

"Hey, buddy. Shh. Shhh. Shh." Dustin cooed, even though Steve hadn't been speaking.

"It's okay. You put up a good fight. He kicked your ass, but you put up a good fight. You're okay. You're okay." Dustin said.

"Okay, you're gonna keep straight for half a mile, then make a left on Mount Sinai." Lucas said from the passenger seat.

I nodded quickly, not taking my eyes off the road.

"Whas' goin on?" Steve slurred from the backseat.

I gripped the steering wheel harder.

"It's okay." I said, reaching back to pat Steve on the knee.

"Oh my god!" Steve said with a frightened chuckle.

He began shifting around and there was no doubt that it finally registered in his head that a thirteen year old was driving.

"Steve. Just relax. She's driven before." Dustin eased softly.

"Yeah, in a parking lot!" Mike retorted.

"That counts." Lucas defended me, pointing a finger at Mike.

"Can you please shut up! I'm trying to focus here!" I yelled, subconsciously inclining the speed of the vehicle.

"They were going to leave you behind." Dustin said irritably.

"Oh, my god." Steve repeated.

"I promised that you'd be cool, okay?" Dustin said, trying to calm Steve.

"Oh my god! Woah, woah, woah, woah. What's going on?" Steve asked, already freaking out.

I sped the car up even more, Steve's terrified yells making me more and more distracted.

"Woah, woah, woah, woah, NO, WOAH! StOp the car! SLOW DOWN!" Steve yelled.

"I told you he'd freak out!" Mike said.

"Stop the car!-" Steve yelled.

yep. I had had enough.

"EVERYBODY SHUT UP! I said I'm TRYING TO FOCUS!" I yelled, flooring it down the road.

Suddenly, Lucas shot up in his seat, his eyes wide.

"Oh, wait! That's Mount Sinai! Make a left!" Lucas shouted, pointing frantically at the turn in the road.

"Left?" I asked.

"Make. A. Left!" Lucas shouted.

"Here!?" I asked.

"Left!" Max shouted frantically.

"Shit." I muttered, jerking the car to the left.

We hit a mailbox as everyone screamed, Steve now scared shitless as we disappeared down the dark road in a car that wasn't even ours.

Word count: 505

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