9: Educational breaking and entering.

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Y/n's pov

It was now late at night, and Dustin, Steve, Max and I were walking through the dark hallways of the highschool, our flashlights leading the way.

"Dustin, do you copy?" Robin's voice broke through the radio.

"Yeah, I copy." Dustin spoke in a hushed tone.

"So, Nancy's a genius. Vecna's first victims date all the way back to 1959." Robin said. "Her shot in the
dark was a bullseye."

"Okay, that's uh, totally bonkers but I can't really talk right now." Dustin said as Steve pointed his flashlight down one hallway and I pointed mine down the other.

"Wait, what are you doing?" Robin asked.

I stole the radio from Dustin. "Oh you know, the usual, breaking and entering into school to retrieve some confidential and extremely personal files." I said. "We're having a blast." I handed the Walkie back to Dustin.

Robin paused. "Can you repeat that?"

"Just get your ass over here, stat." Dustin said harshly as we turned another corner. "We'll explain everything."

Max entered the stolen keys into the door and pushed it open, peeking inside.

We walked into the dark room and Max immediately went for the file cabinet.

"It's like a mini watergate or something." Dustin looked around the room as Max pried open the file cabinet. "A Hawkins gate."

"Wait a second, didn't those guys get caught?" Steve asked.

"Yeah, they did. They were arrested for attempted burglary and attempted interception of telephone and other communications." I nodded to Steve.

"Holy shit." We all looked up to Max, who was rifling through the student files.

"You found it?" Dustin asked as Steve walked up to Max.

"Yeah and not just Chrissy's file." Max held up a folder. "Fred was seeing Mrs. Kelly too."

My heart dropped and the three of us looked to Max in unison.

Max sat at the counsellor's desk and Dustin and I stood over it, looking down as she sifted through the files. Steve stood with his back to the desk.

Max's face grew more and more worried as she went through the two murdered students files.

I stood next to Dustin, quiet and motionless.

Jesus Christ, we really got ourselves into something again.

(Super short chapter but I've literally been bonkers busy lately and I love you all so much!! I'll try to update my Lucas Sinclair fanfic really soon, like maybe Monday..? Anyways enjoy this loves!!)

Xoxo- Maia Jane<3

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