19: Mad hen?

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Y/n's pov

I sat on the couch in Mike's basement, Dustin and I watching tv while Mike and El were in the bathroom.

Then I heard it.


The supercom sounded from where it sat on the D&D table.

Dustin grabbed it.

"Hello?" He said.

Someone was talking through it, but they were way out of range so we couldn't understand any words they were saying.

Just then, I realized who it was.

"Lucas!" I looked to Dustin.

Dustin ran to the bathroom to get Mike and El, who were so close to each other that I couldn't help wonder if we had interrupted something.

Besides the point, we had other more pressing matters on our hands.

"Guys, it's Lucas, I think he's in trouble!" I yelled at them.

They left the bathroom, and we all stood around Dustin, who was holding the walkie.

"What's he saying?" Mike asked.

"I don't know, he's way out of range." I replied.

"Chhhh... Right now!" Lucas's voice broke through the static.

"Lucas slow down! We can't understand you. What's going on? Do you copy?" Dustin said into the supercom.

We heard a bunch of quiet "Son of a bitch" 's come from the radio.

"Yes, I copy! They know about Eleven! Get out of there! They know about Eleven! The bad men are coming! All of them! Do you hear me?! The bad men are coming!!!" Lucas screamed into the radio, his voice coming out all broken and scrambled.

"Mad hen? Does that mean anything to you? Like a code? Mad hen?" Dustin asked.

"Bad men..." I muttered.

"BAD MEN!" Mike yelled, putting the pieces together in his head.

Mike ran upstairs and Dustin and I followed, as I nearly tripped on the stairs.

Mike went to talk to his mom while Dustin and I ran to the living room and looked out the window through the curtains.

We saw a white van, and four other vans coming towards Mike's house.

"You don't think..." Dustin trailed off.

"Definitely." I replied.

One of the men in the vans looked our way and Dustin quickly shut the curtains.

"Shit!" I whisper yelled.

Dustin ran towards the kitchen to get Mike, and I followed.

Mrs. Wheeler must have waxed the floors because I skidded to a stop, almost slipping.

"Mike!" Dustin yelled. "We need to leave!"

"Just a second!" Mike yelled, turning back to the argument with his mom.

"Right. Now!" I yelled at Mike, a panicked look on my face.

Then Dustin and I ran back out of the kitchen.

"If anyone asks where I am, I've left the country!" Mike yelled to his mother before slipping out of the kitchen and running to get El.

"Michael!" Mrs. Wheeler called after him.

Dustin and I ran back down to the basement, and I flung the basement door open, us all running out of it.

I grabbed my backpack on the way out, and we all got on our bikes, El getting onto Mike's.

We peddled like crazy down the street.

"Oh my god, oh my god." Dustin yelled.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit!" I yelled.

"Dustin, do you copy?" Lucas asked from the other side of the radio.

"Yes, I copy!" Dustin yelled.

"Meet me at the corner of Elm and Cherry!"Lucas yelled.

"Copy that, Elm and Cherry!" Dustin said.

I turned my head to see the vans still hot on our tail.

"Son of a bitch!" I yelled.

We continued to bike like our lives depended on it, because really, they did.

We finally reached Elm street and Cherry.

"Look!" Mike said.

We saw Lucas biking towards us, his bike making a skidding noise as he came to a stop.

"Are they still following us?" Lucas asked, panting and out of breath.

"I don't know." I said.

"I think we lost them." Dustin said.

Suddenly, we heard tires screeching.

"Shit!" Dustin said.

"Go, go, go, go!" Mike yelled.

We put our feet back to work and rounded a corner, trying to get away from the vans.

"One, two, three, four... Where's the fifth van?!" I yelled.

Oh shit.

The fifth van rounded the corner in front of us.

It continued to come closer to us.

This is it, we're gonna die.

Right when I thought it was about to hit us, it was launched into the air, flying over our heads and crashing on the ground, blocking the other vans and causing them to come to a stop, all the men getting out.

Holy shit.

El wiped blood from her nose as we biked away, glancing back at the destroyed van.

We peddled to the junkyard, far enough away just to be safe from the Lab agents that probably wanted to kill us.

Honestly, my face was probably on milk cartons at the moments, due to the fact that I hadn't been home in a while.

El, Mike, Lucas, Dustin and I dropped our bikes to the ground, panting from all the peddling, exhausted from the high speed chase.

"Did you see that?" Dustin asked.

"No Dustin, we missed it." I said sarcastically.

"That van thing, that was-" Dustin started, getting cut off by Lucas.

"Awesome" Lucas said, walking over to El."it was awesome."

"Everything I said about you being a traitor and stuff... I was wrong. I'm sorry." He said, with his hands on her shoulders.

Wow, Lucas admitting to being wrong, you don't see that every day. In a weird way I was sort of proud of him.

"Friends... Friends don't lie. I'm sorry too." El said.

"So am I." Mike said.

He held out his hand for Lucas to shake.

And this time, Lucas shook it.

The truce had been set, and Mike wouldn't be banished. I was just glad they had made up. The last time they had gotten into a big fight like this, they wouldn't speak to each other for a week.

The party was finally back together... well, mostly.

Word count: 1001

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