Imagine #35 (Part Four) - Lost Boys

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A/n: thanks to @SapphireTerry for the idea!
Also, please check out my other stories! You might find something you like 😋

Word Count: 1018


It's been a month since you made a deal with four handsome mermen.

The deal was simple: meet up with them every other day in exchange for their help.

And, so far everything has been going excellently.

You meet at the beach, usually around sunset, and mainly talk. They ask you questions about life above water and you ask about life in the sea.

But, then David insisted you learn how to swim.

"I'm scared," you admit, stepping into the water beside the mermen.

"It's fine, we're right here if you need anything," David reassures.

Marko reaches up and takes your hand, gentle pulling you towards the deeper water. Luckily, this cove doesn't have very big waves, or you'd be even more terrified.

Inhaling deeply, you listen to Dwayne's instructions before trying to swim.

"Most importantly, do not panic. Panicking will get you killed."

"Right, don't panic, got it," you nod frantically.

"Hey," Paul smiles, "It's okay."

Now chest deep in salty water, you still grasp Marko's hand. It's a lifeline for you.

Finding your courage, you release his hand.

You kick off from the ground and use your arms to swim towards David, who waits ten feet or so away from you.

Going under, you remember to remain calm, finding your way back to the surface with relative ease.

"You're a natural," Dwayne remarks as you finally reach David with a bright smile.

"I did it!" You cheer, clutching onto David nonetheless. His chest is solid and warm beneath your hands.

He smirks, "Yes you did."

Honestly, the days you meet with them are the times you most look forward to.


Today was rough.

Firstly, your alarm didn't go off so you got to work late without eating a proper breakfast or packing a lunch.

Then, customers were rude and very demanding, instantly giving you a headache.

More and more miserable things occurred and now you're at the beach, ready to vent to your best fishy friends.

But, something's off.

Where are they?

You look at the water, unable to find them anywhere.

That's odd... they're always here before I am.

Making your way closer, you're in the cold water up to your ankles.

"Guys, where are you?"

No one responds.

Starting to panic a bit, you try to ignore the fear as you wade in deeper.


Your eyes strain against the reflection of the setting sun as you search for them. In the distance, you spy a splotch of red.

But, why isn't he answering?

"Marko?!" You shout, splashing the water to catch his attention.


Heart hammering painfully, you struggle to swim further out, now submerged up to your neck.

I have to help him, something must be wrong!

You inhale deeply before diving down, thankful for the mermens' swimming lessons.

Reaching the merman, you can see the blurry outline of Marko.

He's... stuck, trapped in fishing net.

The net is wrapped around his neck, tangled in his gills.

Panicking, you scramble to the surface and race back to the beach. Inside your bag, there is a pocket knife in case of emergencies.

You grab it and rush back out to Marko. Once there, you take a deep breath and go under.

The knife begins to slice through the net as you carefully work to free your friend. His eyes flutter open as he looks to you with hope.

Once free, he grabs you and helps you swim to the beach.

"Marko!" You sputter, "What happened, where is everyone, are you okay?!"

Painfully, he nods his head, "I'm fine. There were some divers who found me..."

Your eyes widen in shock. Usually, there aren't any divers around this area.

"They had spearguns and nets and I was scared. I called out for the others but they had already thrown the net around me. I managed to escape but I don't know where the boys are."

You rub soothing circles on his arm, "It's okay, Marko, we'll find them. I don't know how, but we will."

"Actually, there is a way, but you might not like it."

Tilting your head in confusion, you ask, "What is it?"

"We could turn you into a mermaid and lure them back."

You squint, "Turn me into a mermaid? That's not possible!"

"It is," he winces at the raw wound on his neck.

"Are you okay, do you need first aid?"

"I'm okay," he smiles before concern crosses his features. "It is possible. When merpeople find their soulmate then they have the power to transform their lover into a merperson so that they can be together."


"Yeah. It can be tricky business though, because sometimes they don't know if they are actually soulmates. When you try to turn someone who isn't your true partner, they die."

Your eyes widen, "How-"

Before another word passes your lips, three head pop out of the water, startling you.

"Guys! You're okay!" You cry out, racing into the water to embrace them.

"Of course we are, sugar."

"We dealt with the divers who hurt Marko," David informs you. "They didn't put up too much of a struggle."

"I'm glad you're all safe," you sigh in relief. "I don't know what I would've done if you didn't come back."

Dwayne encases you in his buff arms, tail wrapping around your legs, "We'd never leave you."

"I would have done it," your whisper floats above the gently lapping water. "I would have become a mermaid."

"Marko told you about that?"

"She was really worried," the curly haired merman explains.

"You can still choose to," David says, swimming closer to where you still hug Dwayne. "If you want."

"Won't you lose interest in me then? I wouldn't be human anymore," you ask, looking away in shame.

Paul grabs your shoulders and stares into your eyes, "We would never lose interest in you, sugar. We love you."

Your breath hitches.

"We'll love you forever."

"I love you guys too," you smile back, tears welling in your eyes. "I'll love you until the world ends and even longer than that."

"I'll do it. I'll become a mermaid."

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