Imagine #37 - Lost Boys

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Imagine breaking your leg and dealing with the repercussions.

Word Count: 862

A/n: Hello! I just wanna say I appreciate you reading this book! If you like it, please comment/vote/follow. Thanks!

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Currently laying in a hospital bed, you can't stop staring out the window which is located right next to your bed.

Chewing on your lip, you run over the events of the day.

It all went well until a few hours ago when you tripped going down a large flight of stairs. That was where your day took a literal turn for the worse.

Because, of course you couldn't make it out unharmed. No, you just had to break your leg.

Tears start to form in your eyes as you recall the horrifying and painful feeling of your bone snapping clean in half.

That was awful.

And now you're worrying about what your boyfriends will think of it all.

As it is, they dislike the fact that you haven't turned in a vampire yet and this will just be icing on the cake.

Sighing deeply, you watch the sun start to set, knowing that the boys will find you even in the hospital.


"Where'd Y/n go?" Marko is the first to question her disappearance as he pets one of his birds.

No one answers, simply because they don't have a clue.

David stands from his wheelchair, "Let's go find out."

Paul whoops and shouts, racing towards the exit with a lively Dwayne right behind him.

The four vampires start their bikes up and race towards the city, grinning all the way.


It's been fifteen minutes since the sun left the world in darkness, and yet here they are, flying in front of the hospital window with growing concern.

Why is she in the hospital?

That is the only question on their minds as they look in through the window.

Inside, you smile in relief as you notice them, motioning for them to enter. Luckily the window is unlocked and they have no trouble opening it.

"Baby, what happened?" Paul is the first to speak, his usual relaxed expression displaying worry.

They all await an explanation as you start to tear up again.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to-"

"Hey, it's okay," Dwayne sits on the side of the bed, grabbing your hand, "Just tell us what happened."

You inhale a few calming breaths before flipping the blanket off your leg which now resides in a bright white cast.

"I broke my leg," you say.

Four pairs of eyes are glued to your leg as your tears dry up.

"How?" Is David's question.

"Uh, I sorta fell down the stair last at work," you admit. "It's kinda funny if you think about it."

Marko shares a glance with Paul before smirking, "It is pretty funny. I keep telling you you're a klutz."

You stick out your tongue at him, laughing along with the blond vampires.

Dwayne finally cracks a smile, "I'm glad you're okay."

"When can you leave?" David asks as he lights a cigarette.

"The doctors said right away, but I can't walk for awhile," you glare at your leg. "At least I'm hopped up on pain meds though."

Dwayne presses his forehead against yours, "I'm sorry we weren't there for you."

"Hey, it's not your fault. If anything it's my fault for being clumsy," you chuckle and wrap your arms around him. "You're here now anyways."

Paul and Marko, not ones to be left out, join the hug, careful of your injury.

"This is why you should turn already," David mentions, puffing out smoke.

You roll your eyes, "I told you, next year. Just have patience, 'kay?"

He huffs and turns away, "Let's go."

Dwayne hooks his arms around you, carrying you bridal style as they all begin to fly away.

Back at the cave, the Marko and Paul scurry around, making you a nest of pillows and blankets that the dark haired vampire sets you upon.

Muttering a thanks, you cling to Paul's leg as he walks by. He smirks down at you, "Yeah, babe?"

"Cuddles?" You ask, pouting pointedly.

He grins, instantly lying beside you and cocooning you in his arms, "Of course."

After a few moments of peace, Dwayne plays your favourite music and comes to lay beside you as well, holding your hand in his.

A soft scratching noise comes from your cast, making you look towards it.

Smiling sheepishly, Marko holds up a marker, "Can I?"

"Knock yourself out," you smile.

He grins and gets to work drawing on your cast.

"Hey, I wanna sign it too! Leave some room!"

You laugh at their antics, Paul playfully kicking Marko away before it turns into a wrestling match.

With the spot beside you now opened up, David takes it, gazing at you intensely.

"I can't wait until you turn, Y/n. I don't want you to get hurt ever again."

Your heartbeat quickens, "Aw, David. You're worried about me?"

"Course not."

"Ha, big mean David is worried," you tease him.

He scowls, about to walk away again until you grab ahold of him, "Don't worry, I'll turn soon enough."

Honestly, you may turn sooner than you planned because the truth is you're scared. What if something worse happened before you were immortal?

Snuggling up to your boys, you let the worries go, eyes closing with contentment.

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