Imagine #27 (Part Three) - Lost Boys

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Word Count: 1254


The cave is finally clean, or at least as clean as you can get it. It was a tough few nights worth of cleaning, but now you're ready to at least spend the day here.

During the four days you've been here, you've realized that the boys are missing a few vital appliances.

"You guys don't have a fridge? Or a stove, or a washing machine! Do you guys even wash your clothes or just pour on cologne when it starts to stink?" You interrogate, arms crossed.

"Jeez, what are you? Our mom?" Paul says as smoke escapes his lips.

You roll your eyes, "Hey, you're the ones who wanted me to stay for a month, not me."

He huffs a puff of smoke into the air and smirks, "We didn't know you'd be so picky."

You bark a laugh and smack his arm, "I didn't know my mates would be so messy."

Dwayne looks up, "We're not that bad."

"Hey, we helped you clean up, didn't we?" Marko chirps.

You sigh and sit on the couch beside Dwayne, "What do you do for fun around here anyways?"

"Lots of stuff."

David speaks for the first time in a while, "What did you do for fun before all this?"

A faint smile spreads across your features. The boys hadn't really asked you too much about yourself yet.

"Well, we'd have competitions. Who's the strongest, who's the fastest, who can climb the highest, who can drink the most, who can fit the most marshmallows in their mouths? Stuff like that. Also, we'd throw the best parties ever! We'd even invite humans sometimes and then. . . Well you can guess."

Everyone was listening intently, smirking.

"So, werewolves are real party animals, huh?" David adds, taking a drag from his cancer stick.

"Hell yeah."

"We can party too," Marko states proudly. "The boardwalk is the best place to have fun around here."

"At these parties of yours, you ever hookup with anyone?" David questions.

He asks it in an off handed manner, but you can see something glimmering behind his blue eyes.

You shrug, "Not really. I was waiting for my mate to come along. How bout you?"

He shrugs as well, but you know that he has.

"I forgot to ask, how old are you?"

He looks amused by the question, "A hundred."

"Eighty five," Dwayne supplies when you look to him.

"Sixty four," Paul exhales, almost done his smoke.

Marko looks bashful, "Forty six."

Now is your turn to be stunned. You knew they were older than they looked, but that old?

"Wow," you don't know how to respond.

"What about you, sweetheart?"

"Um, I'm only y/a. I just reached maturation for a wolf and now I'll age until I'm twenty five."

They nod, not really caring about your age.

You laugh, "So you've all probably been with people before."

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