Imagine #38 - Dwayne

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Imagine reuniting with your brother twenty years after he ran away from home.

A/n: So, I took some liberties with this request, because as I understand it, you wrote your own story with an OC called Enola, but I don't write personalized imagines like that so this is what I came up with. I hope you enjoy :)

Word Count: 1077


What drew you to this strange city?

Was it the odd atmosphere? The fact that all sorts of outcasts come here to escape their past lives?

Or was it something else?

You don't really know why you came here of all places but you don't question it any further as you haul boxes into your new apartment.

Santa Carla is your home now.

That's all that matters.

Setting the box down, you look around the small space and smile. Ever since your mom passed, you didn't have a reason to smile it off moving. And now you've finally done it.

You unpack for most of the night before passing out around four or five in the morning. Good thing you don't have work or anything important to do tomorrow.

By the time you reawaken, it's afternoon. You finish unpacking and decide to go exploring your new neighbourhood.

Of course, you have to go to the boardwalk, but you decide to go there last, deeming it more appropriate to go at night to get a better grasp of the nightlife here in Santa Carla.

As you walk, your eye catches sight of a bunch of missing posters. They remind you of your brother who ran away from home when you were only five years old.

You can't blame him for running, especially after you discovered the whole truth behind his sudden departure.

It turns out, your father was abusive and one day, Dwayne finally had enough of him. So, he dealt with your father before running off to escape the police.

Your mom never really talked much about the incident and you get it. You don't like talking about it either.

Sometimes, if you try real hard, you can picture what he looked like and remember the times you spent with him.

He was a great older brother and you wish he could have stuck around.

Turning away from the posters, you make your way towards the beach to watch the sunset. Your feet dig into the soft sand as you walk in the direction of the boardwalk.

Faintly, you can hear a concert going on - some form of rock band playing to their hearts content.

The music enthralls you, drawing you towards the crowd as a smile grows on your lips. This is what you've always wanted - a carefree existence without worries or priorities.

You sway to the music for awhile before wandering away. Your feet lead you to the shops and you glance over all of the merchandise as you hum along to the tune playing in the background. 

A shadow flickers in the corner of your eye, alerting you to the close proximately of two strangers. Grins adorn their gorgeous faces, their eyes alight with mischief. 

Disconcerted, you walk a bit faster, irked when they keep pace with you before cutting in front of you. 

You stop and cross your arms, "Can I help you?"

"Nope," the one with a mesh shirt and long blond hair says, popping the 'p'. 

The one beside him smirks - truly a dazzling sight to behold - as he looks you over. His distinguishing feature is his wildly curly blond hair. 

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