Imagine #23 - Lost Boys

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Imagine making the boys go into hiding because hunters are in town.

Word Count: 408


"Where have you been?"

You cast a glance at David as you enter the cave. His question lingers in the air as you walk to the couch and plop down.

His stare doesn't leave you as he awaits an answer.

Sighing, you turn to him, "If you must know, I was out investigating. I heard a rumour that some old acquaintances were in town and I needed to know if it was true."

His eyes narrow.

The other boys stop what they were doing, attention fixated on you.

"'Acquaintances'?" David echoes, clearly unamused.

"Yeah, they're hunters," you explain, "You guys aren't allowed out anymore until they're gone."

"What?!" Marko questions, standing to his feet. Paul mimics the action, "We could take 'em!"

You exhale slowly, "It's not a matter of who could take on who. I said you can't go out, so you can't go out. It's as simple as that."

"Who are they?"

David's eyes are calculating. He knows you wouldn't make such a big deal of something as trivial as some harmless hunters.

"They're good at their job, that's all you need to know."

"We're good at ours," Dwayne states.

Teeth clenched, you whirl on him, "They're better. Trust me."

You turn to look at each of your mates, "Please trust me."

They exchange glances before nodding, "Of course we trust you."

"If you're this concerned, then we'll stay hidden until they're gone," Marko adds.

You smile in relief, "Thank you."

"But, you know what that means," David smirks, mischief in his icy eyes.

"Of course," you smile cheekily.

He gets off his wheelchair and sits beside you, wrapping an arm around your frame. Dwayne comes to sit at your other side as Marko sits by your feet and Paul leans over the couch by your head.

David's lips ghost across your ear, "Do you think you'll survive four hungry vampires?"

You lean back and kiss Paul's cheek before rubbing your cheek against David's, "I think I'll be fine. After all, if you drank me dry, you'd have more regrets than I would."

Marko kisses your hand while maintaining eye contact, "You know us too well, Lamb."

"You like this, don't you?" Dwayne asks rhetorically as he kisses your neck. You can just barely feel his teeth grazing your delicate skin.

You smirk, "I love it. Not as much as I love each of you, though."

You can feel them smiling against your skin, "We know."

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