Imagine #17 - Lost Boys

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Word Count: 310


"Y/n, you can't hang around us anymore."

You look at Marko incredulously, "Seriously? What, you're kicking me out of the gang?"

He scratches the back of his head and nods. Unamused, you cross your arms.

"Is this because you're vampires? Because that shouldn't matter."

Marko, Paul, Dwayne, and David look at you in disbelief.

"How the hell do you know we're vampires?!" Paul breaks the silence.

You scoff, "Because I'm not an idiot! You only come out at night, for goodness sake!"

"That doesn't mean-"

"I've also caught you during one of your meals, you just didn't see me and I didn't say anything."

A brief pause of silence.

"You know, I'm actually insulted you thought I didn't know. C'mon, I'm not stupid."

"We don't think you're stupid," Dwayne reassures.

A sharp laugh escapes you, "Sure."

The boys share a look, meaning that they're probably talking mentally. You await patiently, tapping your foot.

"Well, since you figured it out, you have two options," David states, turning to you.

"I thought as much."

"You can-"

"Become one of you, or die. Those are the choices, right?"

He smirks, "Correct."

"What happened to 'can't hang around you anymore'?" You grin.

"That was before we knew that you knew."

"Ah," you chuckle. "I knew you guys liked having me around."

"Hell yeah, girl," Paul laughs and Marko grins widely. "We just thought you'd hate us once you found out what we are."

"I could never hate you boys."

"Good to know," Dwayne smiles.

David's eyes meet yours again, "What is your decision?"

"What do you think it is?" Your lips pull into a devilish smirk, "I'm in."

Paul and Marko howl in joy and shake your shoulders, Dwayne pats your back, and David grins.

"Welcome, officially, to the family."

He passes you a bejewelled wine bottle and you readily drink from it.

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