Imagine #27 (Part Two) - Lost Boys

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Imagine part two!

A/n - (probably) part three???

Word Count: 971


Their home might as well have been a graveyard.

A large dark cave connected to an abandoned rundown hotel greets you as you follow the boys down the creaky steps.

"You live here? Seriously?" You say, face scrunched with distaste. "Please tell me you're joking."

Marko and Paul look offended, "What's wrong with it?"

You glance at the broken fountain, the worn couches and chairs, and the dusty bed off by the wall. "Everything. Everything is wrong with it! This place is a pigsty."

"Like you don't normally live in a cave," Paul fires back.

"I live in a pack house, for your information. You really don't know shit about werewolves, do you?"

"You can't blame him. He doesn't know shit about anything," Marko chirps, greeting a pigeon with a sly smirk.

Paul thwacks his back with the nearest object, a  broken lamp.

You shake your head, "You expect me to live here for a month?"

David smiles, "Yeah."

"Ha, not happening unless you clean this mess up and fix the stairs."

"Aw, girly, you're no fun."

You glare at them, "I'd rather not die during my stay. And, unlike you humanoid rodents, I can't just fly over the rotting steps."

They stare at you.

"Did you just call us rodents?"

"Yeah," you snap, "I'm just getting you back for calling me a mongrel."

Dwayne speaks up, "Fair point."

You sigh in resignation, "Where am I gonna sleep? You only have one bed. Which is kinda weird, by the way."

"We have other beds, they're just in the darker parts of the cave. As for us, we don't usually sleep in beds."

"So, you do sleep in coffins?" You question.

They chuckle, "No. We sleep upside down hanging on a pole by our feet."

"I honestly can't tell if you're joking."

Dwayne smirks, "We're not joking."

"That's so freakin weird," you say more to yourself than to anyone else.

"Hey!" Marko protests, chucking a dusty pillow at your head. It flops to the floor as you stand unmoving.

The curly blond looks apologetic. They have no idea how you'll react.

You look at the offending pillow before kicking it straight into Marko's worried face. He yelps before breaking into laughter as you chuckle with them.

"Seriously though, I ain't sleeping in here till you clean this mess up. Tomorrow I'm gonna get some air fresheners, because this place smells."

Paul looks like he's about to protest.

"Seriously, Pauly, this cave smells like weed, booze, and stale pizza and I cannot stand it."

He smirks, "Aw, you've already given me a nickname."

You roll your eyes and examine the cave more closely. There are many things that need improvement.

Firstly, the place could use a good vacuuming, not to mention scrubbing.

"Do I get a nickname?" Marko pops in front of you, a pout on his lips.

"Maybe," you reply and add, "Marky."

He beams and goes back to see his bird while David approaches you. You raise your eyebrows at him.

"The sun is gonna rise soon, I'll show you the room you can have."

"Ha, right. I'm not staying in here, I told you. I'll sleep outside, 'cause this place makes me nauseous."

His lighthearted smile dissipates quickly, "You're staying in here."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are."

You stare him in the eyes, trying to contain your wolf. She longs to break free and beat the living daylights out of this pompous jerk. Your lips twist into a devilish smile, "You want to test me."

His lips twitch, "Maybe."

"You want me to loose control. You've never seen a werewolf truly mad, have you?"

"Can't say I have."

"Well, I've never seen a vampire in his true form before," you whisper, drawing your hand over his chest. Smiling, you roughly shove past him and start walking away, "See you tomorrow."

"How do we know you won't try and run?" He counters, snatching your arm.

You snarl and turn on him, "I swear on my life, I won't run. Satisfied?"


You look at the four vampires, your mates. "Good day."

You walk out, determined to sleep somewhere else.


You slept the day away and returned to the cave as soon as the sun set. You never break promises, especially those sworn on your life.

The place is still messy as ever, so you start to clean up.

The boys fly from the deeper part of the cave. You look at them, astonished. They really can fly!

"Help me clean this place up and I might stay here today," you tell them.

Marko and Paul look excited at the prospect, while Dwayne smiles and David looks indifferent.

"Also, I haven't eaten tonight," you mention, as you sweep.

"Ooh, there's this great Chinese place-" Marko starts.

Paul interrupts, "Do you like Chinese?"

You nod, "I'm not a picky eater. As long as you get some raw meat too."

They look at you quizzically.

"My wolf needs raw meat or she gets cranky," you explain.

They still look confused.

"Oh, right, you know nothing about werewolves," you sigh. "Basically, there's me in human form and me in wolf form. Now, my wolf, or me as a wolf, is irritable when she hasn't had raw meat. I need to feed her as well as myself. . . It's hard to explain."

Dwayne nods, "I've read a bit on werewolves. I get it."

You smile, grateful that someone understands. "You guys drink blood, right? What do you do with the bodies?"

"Burn 'em," David replies, lighting a cig.

"And waste all that meat?" You ask.

He rolls his eyes, "We don't eat human flesh, we just drink the blood."


He huffs, "You're the weird one here."

You sigh, "Anyways, helps me clean."

No one complains as you give out tasks and everyone gets to work.

The Lost Boys • ImaginesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat