Imagine #4 - Lost Boys

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Imagine being a skin-walker and protecting the boys.

A/n - kind of a continuation of the first one.

Word Count: 1351


You were dozing peacefully by the entrance to the boy's sleeping area when they arrived.

Michael, Sam, Edgar, and Allan.

Edgar and Allan enter first, making comments on the newly proclaimed 'Vampire Hotel' with wide eyes. Stakes in their hands, they seem ready for a fight.

In canine form, you observe them, gauging the threat they pose. The two comic shop workers dash up to the bed where Star lies asleep.

"Let's get her!"

Michael stumbles in with Sam, "No! Don't you touch her!"

"Fine, jeez, vampires have rotten tempers," Edgar quips before running to investigate the rest of the cave.

No one notices you.

Michael takes Laddie out of the cave and then comes back for Star.

By this time, you stand to your feet and let out a low growl. The younger boys look at you in fear and curse.

"Hellhound!" Sam shrieks as the Frog brothers grip their weapons tighter.

You growl again. Hellhound? Really? You're not some lowly hellhound, you are so much more.

"Stay back," Michael demands.

Flattening your ears, you bare your teeth in defiance. There's no way you'll take orders from the half-vampire who betrayed his newfound family.

You take a threatening step towards them. Allan throws a stake at you like a javelin but you sidestep it with ease.

They curse.

Internally chuckling, you bark sharply at them, making them squeal in fright.

You've seen these boys around when you walk by their shop on on the boardwalk. They act all tough, but they're just children.

Michael is about to make a move, but before he can, you transform in front of their eyes.

Bones pop and crackle as your body rearranges into the form of a woman.

Flabbergasted, the boys stare at you in shock. The younger three are in more shock, seeing as you are completely naked. This is their first time seeing a naked woman in real life.

"Holy-" Sam yells before Michael slams his hand over his younger brother's eyes. "Hey! Mike!"

You chuckle at Edgar and Allan's heated faces as they try to keep their eyes from wandering. Michael seems to be doing a better job than them and Sam finally wrenches from his brother's grasp.

"Hello," you say in a singsong manner, crossing your arms.

"Werewolf!" Sam exclaims.

You shake your head, "No, not a werewolf. I'm a skin-walker."

They stare at you blankly.

Laughing, you step towards them. They step back as you do so.

"Not very educated on your supernatural species, I see."

"Stay back," Michael demands again.

You roll your eyes, "Mikey, I don't think you're in any position to order me around."

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