Imagine #5 - Edgar

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Imagine convincing Edgar to go to the boardwalk with you.

Word Count: 555


"C'mon Ed, please?" You beg, leaning on the counter of the bookshop.

He frowns at you, hating it when you beg with those puppy dog eyes.

"No, I have to run the shop," his gruff voice replies.

"Aww, Eddie," you whine, batting your eyelashes.

He looks away from you, stacking some comics. He can't focus with you so close. Just the thought of the fact that you're right on the other side of the counter is enough to make his heart pound wildly.

Edgar manages to keep himself composed as he shakes his head.

"We'll stick to the crowds and go on a few rides. I've been saving up for weeks," you persist.

He sighs, knowing that he's close to caving. It's been awhile since he hung out with you outside of his work environment, and he's been waiting for an opportunity like this to happen.

Alan comes from the back, a box of books in his hands, "Go, dude. I'll watch the shop."

He can't back down now, not with Alan watching and giving him a way to make it work.

"Fine, but we stick to the crowd. Vampires only go after the stragglers," he says adamantly.

You grin widely, "Yes! Let's go!"

He can't stop the smile from overcoming his usually serious expression as he follows you out.

Sound carries from the nearby concert, as well as screams from the amusement park. Smells of popcorn and candy waft through the air, mingling with the sea breeze.

You laugh and look back at Edgar, who smiles back at you as you drag him along, hand firmly grasping his.

Dragging him onto multiple rides, you finally have enough of the amusement park and decide to get some ice cream.

You pay, knowing that he isn't the richest guy around. That's okay, because you just love spending time with him. His company is way better than money anyways.

"Hey, let's walk on the beach," you suggest, licking your f/f ice cream cone contentedly.

He grunts in response and surprises you by taking your hand in his. Usually, you initiate touch with him, whether it be by grabbing his hand or patting his shoulder.

You've liked him for awhile, dropping plenty of hints for him to pick up on. You've just been too scared to say it out loud in case it ruined your friendship with him and his brother.

Edgar has certainly grown to adore you as well. He loves your company as much as you love his.

Tonight's the perfect night for something he's been meaning to do for awhile.

He leads you through the crowd to the beach and walks hand in hand with you over the sand. Finally, you come to the dock and stand on it, overlooking the beautiful beach.

"Looks like we've strayed from the crowd," you comment, mischief gleaming in your eyes.

He shrugs, "I guess we did."

After a pause of silence, the only sound being the lapping waves, he speaks again, only this time with his actions.

He turns to face you and hesitantly presses his lips against yours. Heartbeat thudding viciously, you kiss him back, smiling.

"I love you Y/n. I have for awhile," he says, his gruff voice a bit softer.

"I love you too, Ed."

You kiss him again, underneath the bright moon.

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