Imagine #30 (Part Two) - Lost Boys

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Imagine enjoying the ball with the four mysterious lords.

A/n - I have an idea for a part three. Who's interested?

Word Count: 568


Dwayne leads you in a waltz and you enjoy the bliss of your first dance. His movements are precise and fluid, making you curse yourself for being so awkward. You've managed to step on his toes twice now.

"Sorry," you cringe as you accidentally tread on them for a third time, "I haven't really danced before."

"You're a natural. You just need some practice," he reassures with a grin. "Trust me, by the end of the night you'll be the star of the ball."

You blush, "You're teasing."

He spins you around and chuckles, "Am not."

The song ends and everyone breaks apart to applaud. You smile and glance around the room, startled when someone grabs your hand.

You turn to see a grinning Paul, his hair tied behind him with a ribbon as red as your dress. Curtsying, you watch him bow before letting him take you in his arms.

"Thank you for dancing with me," Dwayne says before walking off without giving you time to reply.

The music begins again, a new song with the same tempo as the last. You manage to avoid his feet for the most part, only stepping on his feet once.

You also made some small talk, complimenting his mask and his hair. He returned the compliments full force, surprised when you said you had made the dress yourself.

When the song ends you go to the table holding refreshments and down a glass of water before the curly haired man approaches you with an impossibly wide grin.

You accept his invitation to dance as another song begins. His dancing is more fast paced, possibly to the faster tempo of the music, which has you praying that your steps won't falter.

Luckily, you don't stomp on his toes. You spot Dwayne and Paul smiling at you as you keep up with Marko's dancing.

Trying not to think about the weird encounter in the basement, you finish the dance with a flourish, laughing along with Marko as he blows a piece of his curly hair away from his face.

Tired, you exit the dance floor, ignoring the stares of the jealous women around you as you find a seat by the window.

You gaze wistfully at the beautiful moonlit scenery. It's so peaceful here. Unlike the town where something is always happening and people are always gossiping.

A gloved hand is stretched towards you. Following the arm, you find yourself looking up at David. Still clad in the bat mask, he appears ethereal in the glow of the moonlight.

"Up for another round?" He questions.

You smile graciously and take his offered hand, "Of course. I find dancing delightful."

"If only those dancing were as agreeable as the act itself," he comments as he leads you to the dance floor.

"You seem rather antisocial," you point out as the music starts up.

He shrugs, "Some people are more agreeable to be around than others. I'll not deny it."

"I won't either. And I am glad you find my presence less detestable than others," you chuckle.

He grins below his mask, "I'm glad too."

You continue the small talk even as the dance ends.

The night draws to a close and you reunite with your headmistress whose cheeks are a bit red from too much drink.

You bid farewell to the four men whose bat masks will forever be etched in your memory.

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