Imagine #22 - Lost Boys

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Imagine going to the carousel and having an interesting encounter.

A/n - thanks for reading, voting, and commenting! By the way, this one's kind of creepy I guess.

Word Count: 794


The carousel

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The carousel.

A twirling visage of glittering horses carved from wood. They dance endlessly, listening to hauntingly beautiful music as their own voices are drowned.

A transportation to another world where fairytales are reality. The place where it seems like dreams could come true.

Carnivals are happy places, although they can seem eerie when one is alone.

You wander by the games and rides, debating on which attraction you want to spend your money on.

The rollercoaster catches your eye, but you're not in the mood for a thrill ride.

As you walk, you discover a large carousel and decide to go on it. You have your eyes on a f/c horse with shiny eyes which seems inviting.

Before you can mount it, someone blocks your path.

Eyes wide, you look into the blue orbs of David, the leader of the Lost Boys.

Being a local, you know about David and his gang, although you've had the sense to stay away from them until now.

Usually, you don't go out at night. Tonight was an exception because you needed cheering up. You're starting to regret your decision as you stare like a deer in the headlights.


His voice is like you had imagined, his grin as mysterious as you had pictured.

"Sorry," you apologize, "I'll get a different seat."

He holds up a gloved hand, "It's alright."

"Here," a new voice says as you're lifted up onto the horse.

Startled, you look down at the man who picked you up. Curly hair, patched jacket, and a sly Cheshire grin. You realize this must be Marko.

"Uh, thanks," you say quietly, uncertain about how you should feel about the gesture.

They grin as two others crowd around the horse. Dwayne and Paul by the looks of it.

The ride starts up, but the boys don't bother mounting their own steeds. Instead, they either hang onto your horse or one of the surrounding ones.

Feeling awkward, you can't enjoy the ride because of their close proximity. They either don't notice or don't care.

The ride comes to a halt and you scramble off the horse before anyone decides to 'help'.

Slipping through the crowd, you hope to evade the Lost Boys.

As if you'd be so lucky.

"Trying to sneak away?" David asks, somehow in front of you.

You gulp as you realize that you've strayed from the crowd. Turning around, you find the three others, smirking like they've won the lottery.

"I got, I got to go," you stammer, but find yourself unable to move.

Paul places his hand on your shoulder, "Aw, so soon?"

Inhaling deeply, you nod sharply.

"That's no fun," Marko pouts, his hand raised to his lips.

"I really can't stay," you try again.

Dwayne, the silent one, asks, "Why?"

Unable to come up with a believable excuse, you answer, "Because, and it's none of your business."

This only results in snickers, making you angry. You push between Paul and Marko, aiming for the crowd.

Suddenly, you can't see or hear anything. Wind rushes past you as someone lifts you again.

Scared, you find yourself standing without support.

"Wha-?" You stammer, trying to look at your hands.

You can only see darkness.

Laughter assaults your ears, coming from the Lost Boys.

Your throat closes and you feel like you can't breathe.

"Relax, babe," a velvet voice soothes as someone takes your arm.

Someone else takes your other arm, "We've got you."

You're not comforted by those words.

Trying to break free, you wrench away only to fall on the uneven ground. Liquid drips down your hand as pain ignites there.

Gloved hands lift you to your feet, "Darling, you hurt yourself."

A raspy, wet feeling glides over the small cut.

Stomach lurching, you try to escape his grasp, but more hands hold you tight.

"Stay still," he purrs, yet his command holds a threat.

You find yourself unable to move despite your instinct to run. Their hold on you is strong, yet surprisingly gentle.

"You taste so good," he whispers, drawing away from the cut.

You shiver in disgust.


A soft blanket is draped over your shuddering form, although temperature has nothing to do with your shaking.

"Relax," Dwayne's low voice instructs, "We won't hurt you."

You can't respond, your heart hammering away painfully.

You don't want to die like this.

"Everything's gonna be alright," Marko tells you as he lifts you bridal style before setting you down on a cushioned surface.

The surface dips as three other forms settle down, "Everything's gonna be okay."

Your eyes flutter closed as you begin to feel tired. Your heartbeat slows and your breathing comes evenly.

Sinking into slumber, you barely register the next words spoken.

"Everything's gonna be just fine."

The Lost Boys • ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now