Imagine #40 - Dwayne

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Imagine twirling Dwayne's hair while he sleeps.

A/n: I am closing requests again because my writers block and depression has really flared up. Sorry about that.
Thanks for reading!

Word Count: 517


The crisp night air ruffles your clothes as you drive along the beach on Dwayne's motorcycle. Your arms are wrapped tightly around him, hands clutching his bare middle as he laughs and zigzags through the dark.

This is what paradise feels like, isn't it?

Safe with the one you love, laughing without a care in the world.

You bury your face into his leather jacket, inhaling the scent of him as he begins to slow down.

"C'mon, before the others get back!" Dwayne grins, taking your hand in his as he leads the way down to the cave.

Returning the smile, you grip his hand loosely, swinging both your arms as you leap down to the cave entrance.

Upon entering, you race against Dwayne to see who can light the most candles and bonfires.

"Ha! I beat you," he smirks, coming to stand before you as you pout. "Don't you think I deserve a prize?"

"Hmm, nah," you tease, bopping the tip of his nose. "You were behaving recklessly just a moment ago."

Now it's his turn to fake pout.

His puppy dog eyes makes your heart melt, so you are quick to press a chaste kiss against his lips.

"There. Don't say I don't do anything for you."

His smile could light up your whole world and the fact that this smile is reserved only for you makes it even more dazzling.

"I love you, Dwayne," you tell him, reaching up to cup his cheeks as a smile plays on your lips.

"Love you too," he leans down and kisses you, slowly and sensually.


You woke up sometime during the day, almost surprised to find Dwayne sleeping beside you on the mattress until you recall the events of last night.

Your lips twitch into a smile as you bring your hand up to tousle his thick black hair. Surprisingly, it's soft and smells good - like old books, cinnamon, and earth.

Unable to resist, you thread your fingers through his locks, slowly twirling your fingers around and slowly his hair to fall down.

You repeat the process a few times, beginning to hum a soft tune.

Vampires are deep sleepers, so Dwayne doesn't stir as you move into a better position to play with his hair.

"So soft..."

You look down at his peaceful expression, smiling gently as you lean down to kiss his cheek.

His eyes pop open, "Boo."

"Eek!" You shriek and jerk back, flushed with embarrassment. "Dwayne! You scared me!"

He laughs, sitting up to cocoon you in his strong embrace, "Sorry, I just couldn't help it. You're so cute when you're scared."

"Jerk," you mutter halfheartedly.

"Play with my hair again?"

You pull away to look in his eyes, "You don't mind?"

"I liked it, actually," he admits, taking his hand and petting your head, "It felt good."

You lay down again, Dwayne doing the same, and begin to thread your fingers in his hair again.

He snakes his arms around you and pulls you in close, nuzzling his face into your neck.

Being so close to him just feels right.

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