Imagine #35 (Part One) - Lost Boys

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Imagine an alternate universe where the boys are mermen.

Inspired by the song Bottom of the Deep Blue Sea by MISSIO.

A/n - I almost drowned when I was a kid, but my brother and sister managed to save me.
Have you ever almost drowned?

Also, would you like a second part?

F/n = friend's name

Word Count: 1267



Soft blue liquid which can bring life or bring death. A surreal place completely otherworldly. It suspends anyone who dare enter its cool abyss, gives them flight and offers them a soundless haven.

It's everywhere.
In the sky, on the ground.

It's a part of everyday life, and yet it terrifies you to your core.

Your fear stems from childhood trauma because you were left unsupervised in the ocean and started to drown.

The heavy waves crashed over you, dragging you away from the safety of the sandy shore. The water weighed you down, tugging you to its bosom, not wanting to let you go.

You couldn't breathe. You had clawed and struggled, the salt burning your eyes.

In the end, you managed to escape the water. You can't remember how, but you were scarred for life.

You haven't been swimming since then, which leaves your friends and family members absolutely flabbergasted because you live so close to the beach in Santa Carla.

This city has been your home for forever and you couldn't imagine leaving this place with all its strange people and fun atmosphere.

You avoid the ocean as much as you can, hardly even going to the boardwalk for shopping or concerts. Whenever you're near a body of water, even a full bathtub, panic sets in.

Utter, blind, numbing panic.

Your friends try to get you out of the house, but you never go to the boardwalk. You'll go to the clubs or anywhere in the city but not anywhere near the ferocious ocean.

You're not proud of your fear, in fact it makes you feel stupid. Other people aren't terrified every time they go near water, so why are you?

Sighing, you idly walk home from a tough day of work. Cranky customers are never a great thing, especially when they complain about everything.

Inside your pocket, your phone buzzes. Someone must've texted you.

Checking it, you heave another sigh.

It's from F/n, asking if you want to go for a ride on a party boat to celebrate one of your mutual friend's recent engagement.


Being on a boat means being near water.

You start to reply a hard no, but pause.

Maybe you should go. It could be fun, after all, you'd be on a boat with a bunch of other people.

Anxiety swells in your chest but you try to shove it down. You have to get over this fear sooner or later.

A boat ride wouldn't be too bad, would it?

You eventually talk yourself into it and tell your friend that you will go.


Seeing the medium sized boat up close with waves eagerly lapping away at it has negative effects on your resolve.

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