Chapter 5

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The weekend flew by pretty quickly . Momma introduced me to Bethany , who she had taught back in elementary .

Apparently  Beth was in the same grade with me . But she was in the popular girls group and I was just an unknown stick .

Beth gets along so well with momma that sometimes , I get jealous just thinking about their relationship  . But you shouldn't,  because you're hours away from her and she needs someone . But Beth is there for her.

My conscious is getting annoying by being right all , and by all I mean all the time .
**Dramatic eye roll**

Well anyway,  back to the present . Right now my alarm is murdering my ears with it's supposed to be soothing melodies .

I groan and get up . This has been my life for the past five months.  I get up unwillingly and I groan , go downstairs and I make Jason breakfast . He goes in for a kiss and I quickly duck it . After feeding him - well not actually feeding him . More like dishing up for him - I walk up the stairs , get dressed . I go to work or my Momma's and when I come back I don't even wait up for him , I just jump right in to bed and sleep .

Ugh , I groan again while showering . I groan while baking muffins and I internally groan when he walks down the stairs .

" Morning Cassiey." He says .

"Jason."I say nodding at him .

I plate his warm muffins and freshly brewed coffee when he tries kissing my cheek.

He begins eating , and I grab the big muffin and head up stairs while nibbling at it  .

I put on a red  pantsuit  and a black blouse . With black high heels and a tight bun , I walk downstairs .

I pick up my purse from its new home : the couch and I walk out . But not before surprising him by saying "see you at work ."

I smirk a little when I hear no sarcastic reply . Who am I ? Since when do I smirk ? Wow I'm changing !

When I arrive at Smith Industries , I walk in and I'm met by weird gazes . They almost look like I don't know , guilt . Pity . What on earth. 

I walk into the elevator,  and when it dings , I see Kayla . Her face looks drained of colour.  I wave at her and she gives a  slight nod and then she scrams  to her office . Weird , what is it ? Do I have something on my face ?

Kimberly is sitting on her normal chair behind her big desk . She's in her element until I disturb her .

"Kim" I whisper -yell.

Her head shoots up and her face pales , regret flashes in her eyes before she wears a beautiful smile on her face .

I smile back and walk into the office . My office .

Kim is the head receptionist in Smith Industries  , she's married to her husband -what?! - Dale Hugh . And she's a good friend of mine .

Everybody is acting so weird .  I dont understand this at all .

As I'm working , my phone rings .

" Smith Industries,  Cassandra Smith speaking ." I say . I've practice this for so long that I can literally say it while I'm sleeping .

" Miss Smith , its Mariah . Mr McKight called in the other day and asked if you had already planned his budget already ." She says into phone .

"Oh , thank you , Mariah .  I'll get back to him ." I thank her then say goodbye . She's a great assistant  , honestly .

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