Chapter 17

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I cant even stand to look at myself in the mirror,  today is the last day of witnesses meeting at the court .

I dont even care for what going to happen today , all that's been running in my mind are Momma's words .

I've failed you.

Fuck , do you know how hard it is to hear your mother say that? I feel like a disappointment .

The whole ride to the court , my mouth is sealed . Shit , it's been sealed since the day of the case .

I'm more than happy that its ending , so I can just go to jail and stop tormenting people , so that I can leave Kayla and Jason to leave happily ever after . And stop reminding momma of how much she thinks she's failed me .

So that I can get my punishment.  I'm a monster,  she said it herself I'm a monster.

I walk into the court , and the first thing I hear is the buzz of the people.  Most probably paparazzi.

"Cassandra how do you feel about your mother testifying against you?"

"How did you feel when she spoke about failure?"

"Mrs Smith did you know that she'd be testifying?"



They are all met with a hard gaze , tight lips and silence . The best way to say , shut the fuck up before I shove that mic into your ass  .

And almost instantly they all stay quiet.  I walk into the courtroom , straight to my seat and I let my head down .

Today I didn't even feel like looking presentable  , I'm in a black pencil skirt , a white blouse and black stilettos  . My hair is loose , and I have no make up on .

My hair surrounds me . And my guilt and everything else . Honestly I dont feel guilty about what I did to Jason and Kayla,  those two deserved it . I feel guilty because my mother blames herself.

I'm such an idiot , why didnt I see that this would happen . I should have walked away . Damn it Cassandra .

"Cassiey , are you okay?" A voice asks me .

"Kayla,  leave me alone . Please , I don't need this now ." I say , in a defeated tone .

"How'd you know it was me?" She asks .

"Because you're the only person who has a voice that makes me want to rip my intestines out . Your voice is fucken annoying , Jason bought you all these expensive stuff yet he couldn't buy you a better voice box . It's just so damn annoying . " I say , and I raise my head to look at her , she's smiling .

"Good to know you're okay ." She says .

"Shut the fuck up and go. I dont need you ." I say . She nods then leaves . I dont need her ,I dont need anyone . I just want to be alone .

I decide to take a nap . And then as if karma isn't being bitchy enough . Some idiot disturbs my peace .

"All rise " he shouts .

I jump up , everyone is here . Kerrie , Bella , Jason and Kayla . The judge .

We are told to sit . And like some lost puppies , we all sit .

" The court may begin" the judge says .

"Your honor , I call to the stand . The accused , Mrs Smith ." Bella says . What the fuck does she want from me now.

I stand and I go to the stand . Keeping my head down .

I put my hand on the bible and I swear to tell the truth .

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