Chapter 15

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Kerrie's question leaves Jason staring at the wall for a good five minutes .

For the first time since the case has begun , I'm actually interested in knowing what's going to happen next .

"Well ? Mr Smith? We're going to need your answer this century. " Kerrie urges .

And just as I thought things were getting interesting,  Bella bitch stands and opens her stinky trap whole to speak .

"Objection your honor , council is persuing my client ." Bella says .

"Over ruled. Council rephrase your question ." The judge says .

"My apologies your honor , let me rephrase my question.  As you said Mr Smith,  Ms Dixon was first to raise a hand . And my client Mrs Smith retaliated,  does that not sound like self defense to you? Shouldn't you be busting her out of here ? Like you would've done if it were Ms Dixon in your wife's shoes." Kerrie bites out .

She is annoyed , you can practically feel the anger radiating off her .

"Your honor , council is still persuing my client . I suggest that the question is completely forgotten ." Bella exclaims .

"Council Reese , do you not want me to ask questions anymore ? You have had your chance now let me have mine." Kerrie says through gritted teeth .

"As I was saying , before I was rudely interrupted.  Mr Smith,  you have a right no to answer the question as much as I have a right to ask it . But for arguement sake , let's just drop the question and move on to the next one . Mr Smith were you really in the search for a second wife?"  She asks , one of her eyebrows raises and the pitch of her voice raises .

"Yes , I was ." Jason the silent bird finally speaks . Although he looks to be a bit uncomfortable.

"If so , then why didn't you talk to your wife about it? I mean Mr Smith I have gotten to know Mrs Smith and she is very much approachable,  infact the easiest person  to vent to . Why is it that you didn't tell her ?  Mrs Smith only cares for your happiness . If truly you wanted a second wife and you had told her , she would have been accepting , I know that of her .

But no , you did not tell her . Why is that Mr Smith ? Why didn't you tell your wife about this . Unless , Council Reese and Ms Dixon have installed it into your head , they have made you say it . I'm right am I not ? You were lying . Why are you lying , you are under oath Mr Smith."  Kerrie urges , damn girl . You 'bout to make him spit his eyeballs .

"Objection your honor. " Bella says .

What the fuck , how the hell is Kerrie supposed to ask question if you keep on interrupting  . Fuck off bitch .

"Oh , for fucks sake woman! How the hell is she supposed to ask questions when Bella the wicked bitch of west wont even let her get a word in . Why dont you just sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up!" I say .

I slap my mouth immediately after I say the words  , honestly that was unintentional,  I did not mean to say it .

Bella begins stocking my way , and stops right in my face .

"What did you call me? " she says , all her professionalism gone .

"I said , shut the fuck up and sit your ass down . Did I stutter ?" I ask also pushing my face into hers .

"Order ! Order !" The judge screams , beating the hammer thingie onto the plate thingie .

People start gasping and talking,  cameras start snapping . Oh shit . Its bout to go down .

"Why dont you shut the fuck up and sit your ass down , jailbird! " she says .

She slaps me , once .

Twice .

Thrice .

Oh no I'll kill this bitch .

She goes in for another blow , I catch her wrist mid-air . Her mouth turns into a perfect 'O' . My eyes stare deeply into hers and her breath catches in her throat .

I realise that for a moment she had forgotten why we are in this court room in the first place .

I beat people up!

And I'm about to beat her up . I slap her , hard . My hand even stings right after the blow . Her head wips to the side .

Two body guards begin coming up at me , both of them hold on arm of mine and begin pulling me back . Dragging my tiny frame back to my seat .

Both of them I gigantic,  but if I beat both Kayla and Jason , I  can definitely bust these two asshats balls .

I breathe in and out . Looking like I'm trying to calm myself down .

"Okay  , okay.  I'm calm , I'm calm!" I say to them .

For a moment the two dimwits stare at each other , contemplating whether they should let me go , don't do it !

My mind tries to warn them , whose side are you on stupid ass brain?

They let me go . I watch their retreating body as I try to catch my breath .

I take a moment to take in the havoc I've cause , cameras are snapping everywhere . Journalists are off their feets , trying not to miss even a single blink from me . The two guards are now at their respective corners.


I look over to Bella's direction , she's retreating.  Never turn your back on a tiger bitch!

I charge my body towards her back , I tackle her to the ground . Her body makes a loud thump as it hits the floor .

She's down , I punch her head to the ground .




Oops , I'm bout to kill you bitch . So sad , sike !

I stand up , the guards are behind me . I can feel their presence . I kick Bella's stomach with my heel . A loud psychotic laugh escapes my mouth . Oops , did I do that?

The guard puts his large hand on my shoulder , I turn around with a punch . He falls back and lands over the other guard .

Like I said dimwits .

I jump over Bella's limp body . I hit her head against the floor and she groans .

Oh where's a gun when you need one!!!

Author's note

I've come back , hope your not angry with me .💁‍♀️🥰

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