Chapter 32

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Ace's POV

Ever since that day I watched her watch the stars , I spent so much time just watching her . Nothing creepy , just enjoying the view .

I watched her build herself , I watched her laugh when Isabella said something that was sweet to her ears . I watched her go to sessions with Genna , and come out with bloodshot eyes .

I watched all of that , and somehow watching her go through all of that , it built me too . It gave me hope . A few weeks ago I asked Isabella why she was doing one on one with Genna .

And Isabella told me about her husband . In a way I feel that she and I are the same . I watched her in tears , I watched her smile , I watched her sad , I watched her happy and I watched her grow .

In a way it makes me feel like I've known her for ever . Knowing her full emotions , I felt like I knew her .

When I saw her crying . My heart clenched , my legs itched to carry me to her , I wasnt coping . It broke my heart too .

My heart did backflips , it leaps forward onto my rib cage when I saw her smile . It made me so happy , so ecstatic to see her so happy .

Each moment that I stole glimpses of in her world , my legs ached to go and hold her . To go and caress her cheek as she cries . But I couldn't,  I sat through the torture.  All because I didnt want to come off as too much .

The worst part of those few months was the dream . Melanie's face was replaced with hers . And it pained me , it killed me to see her with someone else . I just couldn't.  I stayed up late at night,  avoiding falling asleep because I'd only be hurting myself .

I knew that I loved her the moment I started asking Isabella about her . The moment I tried fishing out more about her . The moment I saw her hair flying back in slow motion and her body moving slowly , and somehow in the dim hallway , her skin glowing ever so beautifully,  just like in the movies .

Then I knew that I had it bad . I tried talking to Genna about it , but Genna said that she felt that I wasnt ready to be in a relationship.  She said that she felt like I was rushing things , but the heart wants what the heart wants and I was not going to argue with the heart .

I tried all that I could.  I tried staying away from her . But it was like my bones were made of metal and she was a magnet . I was just drawn to her .

Everything drew me to her .

The way she laughs ,its so cute . The way she chews , so ladylike.  The way she walks , like a supermodel . The way she talks,  so intelligent.  The way she is , so charismatic.  And I just loved it .

She seemed so interesting , so lively . She reminded me of chocolate , everytime I saw her melanin,  all I could think of was chocolate .

At times I'd get lucky - and by lucky I mean standing behind her in line for food- I'd get a whiff of her scent . She smells so sweet , she smells like cherries .

When I mastered up the courage to talk to her , the words 'I love you' tumbled out  of my mouth . Dont get me wrong , I do love her , I just didnt intend to tell her that soon .

I love her , I love everything about her . She makes me feels alive,  when I see her the blood in my veins chime in happiness . She is awfully beautiful.  Everything she says sounds exotic and really genius.

She could tell me that the sky is brown and I'd believe her . All because words sound like honey on her tongue . I'd never actually spoken to her but I felt completed just by the sight of her . And that's how I knew that I love her.

She is my everything . We've spent days together this past week . She doesn't speak much , she's quite hesitant when it comes to talking which ends up with us staying in complete silence under the stars -not that I mind though .

At the moment , we're trying something new . We're watching the day sky .

Genna went out to do some grocery shopping which means we have the whole afternoon free .

We're lying on our back and looking up at the clouds .

She point at one then looks at me .

"That one looks like a unicorn." She says .

"What the fuck is up with you and unicorns . You've been comparing things with unicorns the whole day. " I say and she giggles , a really cute giggle .

She said the chef's nose looks like a unicorn horn . I couldn't help but roar in laughter . She joined too , that earned us glares and two thumbs ups from Isabella.

"Okay , that one looks like ... you!" She says . Then she stands and runs away . That's a clear sign that she wants me to chase her .

"Oh, you're gonna regret that Ms Cass." I say,  getting up too .

I chase her around the rooftop . She screams and laughs , the entire time dodging my cluches .

I finally grab a hold of her . I tickle her , her laughs erupt from deep within her chest . It echoes through my ears .

"Ace!Ace! Stop , please stop!" She begs . That only fuels me .

The way she says my name though .

Drop her onto the floor gently . She looks up at me and sighs .

"I am very upset with you." She says .

"Can you really be mad at this face?" I ask , pulling the cutest smile I can manage . She swats my arm .

"Yes I can." She laughs .

"You look like a constipated chicken." She says.  An unexpected laugh escapes my lips .

"What?" I laugh again. " You're going to regret uttering those words Ms Cassandra ." I say . She charges off and I chase her.

Author's note

How was this chapter? Hope you enjoyed . I tried emphasizing his feelings without sounding female .

What did you think about this chapter ? How do you feel about Ace ? And do you think they'd make a good couple? Comment! Comment! Comment!!🤲❤

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