Chapter 18

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"The jury finds the accused guilty. " the blonde lady says .

Gasps echo around the room . Bella and Kayla begin screaming and jumping up and down .

Kerrie looks at me with sympathy in her eyes . But it's not as if she didnt know that I'd be going to jail , although she said was that she wanted us to be good enough for me to surve half the time .

I sit back down and throw my head into my hands . This is what I wanted right,  why does it feel so wrong .

Why do I feel so empty . I know why , because the two reasons why I'd be in prison for however long are going to live their lives happily with each other .

And I'm going to be alone , sad and a convict . I'm so sad , I feel like crying . I feel like screaming .

Someone taps me on the shoulder , I pop my head up just enough to see Beth's brown hair and her green eyes .

"Beth , what are you doing here ?"  I ask her .

"I wanted to see you for the last time ." She says back to me .

" That would be tomorrow,  you're going to see me for the last time tomorrow ." I say . She nods , she looks a bit uncomfortable.

"There's something you need to know ." She says , I give her a look that tells her to proceed .

"Momma adopted me , I'm your legal sister now ." She says . She's now rubbing her elbow .

"When?" I ask , almost sounding like a whisper .

"The day after the case started ." She says . I nod taking it in .

"I'm sorry Cassiey , I would've told you . I just didnt know how to tell you ." She says , sounding defensive.

"Oh , okay . I need to go." I say , I see the van man standing at the door .

"No Cassiey , I can explain ." She says .

"I'm sure you can Bethany . But I really have to go ." I say . If that guard leaves me here , I'll be going to jail for hitting Kayla and Jason and murdering Beth .

"You have to listen to me . Please , just listen ." She begs .

"As much as I would have loved for this situation to not have happened,  as much is I wish you would've told me , and as much as I want to listen to your explanation which is completely unnecessary,  I have to go . My transportation is going to leave me here ." I say , pointing to van man .

"Oh " she says , and I nod .

"Bye Beth ." I say and I move right past her .

I hear stifled sobs . I dont know how to feel honestly , I feel so numb.

I mean my head tells me that I should be feeling hurt , but I dont feel it .

I agree that I should be hurt , I mean it sounds as if I'm such a disappointment to my mother that she had to adopt another child just to make herself feel a tad bit better.  I mean Beth is perfect .

Well , I wont be there to disturb their peace . Immediately when I get to the holding cell , I lie down . And within seconds I fall asleep .

I hear a loud thud , and I look up . Its Peter,  I look over to my side and I see four books . The entire edition  of Twilight  , my all time favourite romance story . He told me he didnt have them , this means he bought them for me .

"Thanks Pete,  I really appreciate it ." I say my voice sounding hoarse .

"What was the verdict ? " he asks , almost like he's afraid to know .

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