Chapter 22

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The day I decided to marry that man was the day I dediced my own fate , it was the day I decided that I didnt want to be happy ever again in my life .


"Cassandra , from the day I met you , I knew you were mine to keep . You just had this inviting vibe that was asking me to befriend it . I've loved spending time with you , because you were so funny .

When I realized that I had fallen inlove with you , damn , I felt so lucky . I didn't know what I had done to deserve such a beautiful woman like you , an intelligent , hardworking , annoying but fun woman like you .

I'm ready to be a manI'm ready to settle down with you , you make me complete and if I dont do this then I've decided to walk my entire life incomplete . You're my reason to wake up every morning .

I promise to respect you and love you forever . You'll be the first thought on my mind in the morning and the last at night . The person that inspires me to be the best . The love of my entire being . I swear to God you're the only woman I'll ever love like this .

I want to love you when we're old . To tell our grandchildren about how when you were younger you'd spend recess in the library . I want to build a family with you Cassandra Miller .

From this day forth , I promise to love and to hold you , in sickness and in health , for richer for poorer , till death do us part . I love you Cassandra Smith ." He ends it on a sweet note .

The he kissed my cheek . My eyes are tearing up.  My mouth is dry and hands are shaking while the ring is being slipped onto my finger . He pecks my lips .

It's my turn to speak,  what am I going to say . Oh my gosh .

"Jason , well . I dont know what to say since you stole my entire speech . But I love youI want to spend the rest of my life with you .

I say this with conviction , and all the people seating here today , witness me promise this to you and God.

I will never be with another man than with you, if we have problems , let's sort them put . And if you cheat on me , I'll kill the both of you .

I love you Jay , in sickness and in health , although I would prefer health , for richer for poorer , through thick and through thin I'll be here , till death do us part . I love you Mr Smith. " I say,  and everyone rises into applause. 

I slip the ring onto his finger and he kisses my forehead . What a darling .

"You may kiss the bride." The pastor says,  Jason has been waiting for that part . I can feel it .

He pushes me up against his chest and he grabs my bums , and he kisses me . Completely forgetting that we have an audience right beside us .

I pet his chest and then he chuckles,  he let's go of me .

" In the power vested in me , I pronounce you husband and wife . And now introducing to the public Mr and Mrs Jason Smith ." The Pastor says .

Everyone rises into applause.

"Theres no getting rid of me now " Jason says .

End of flashback .

Well there is . And it's called the wiff of fresh panties belonging to Kayla . What a dimwit . The day we bought the house .


"This is the last one hunny , I cant drive anymore , my hands are tired. " Jason whines .

"Yea , this is the last one ." I say . Nodding along .

"Are you being sarcastic? " he asks with my favourite boyish smile .

"No-yes" I say and we both break into laughter .

We come into view of the last house that we are viewing .

Its grey , a light shade of grey , it is gigantic.  And double floored . From the outside , its beautiful , and so is the landscaping and plants .

We both walk into the house and the house immediately welcomes us . We walk further into the house.  And into the kitchen , that is the only room that comes furnished. 

It is beautifully done , with white marble counter tops and grey cupboards , it's a simple elegance .

I stand on the counter , near the oven . Jason hugs me from behind and we both stare at the space infront of us .

"Cant you see it . Our little babies running around this place , screaming and shouting . Mommy and daddy playing with them? I think this is the one " Jason says . This is the first time he shows any interest in all of this .

"Are you sure you're not saying this so we can go home?" I ask him .

"Yes , I'm sure" he chuckles.  I give a look that says I wouldn't believe you even if the sky turned green .

"Pinky promise , I actually like this house." He says . I trust him,  he doesn't just go around throwing pinky promises around .

"Really , I do too . Let's call Lorraine,  we're ready to buy . " I say .

End of flashback .

I remember pretty clearly , that house cost him millions of dollars and he bought it just because I said I liked it .

He really disappointed me , I had high hopes for us .

And now nothing . Memories of us having picnics , going to art galleries , museums,  music concerts and amusement parks flood my mind .

And immediately I break down into tears , this is why I was avoiding staying alone into a cell , now these thoughts are going to hunt me and suck me dry of any happiness I might possess of .

Jason , I'm disappointed and hurt.  But I trust that you'll learn your lesson . I know that you will , but if you dont, goodluck with the likes of Kayla,  she's not an easy one .

Infact she is really hard to maintain , but you made your bed now you're going to lie in it and feel all the pain .

And yet again I cry  .

Authors note .

If you think I should continue with flashbacks please notify me .

I actually wrote this chapter listen to 'I hate you , I love you ' by Gnash and Olivia O'Brien  and it made perfect sense.

Please note that as of the next  chapter we will be skipping weeks , just to make time go faster .

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