Chapter 43

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Jason's POV

Monday comes in a blast . About a week ago , the divorce was finalized and both Cassiey and I are single .

It pained me and it still does to loose her . She was my prised possession .

I'm starting to suspect that the guy from the tattoo , that Ace or whatever- is her new boyfriend .

As Kayla and I arrive and park on our reserved sport , we notice that a black BMW is approaching from behind.  It looks brand new .

It parks next to our porche.  Kayla and I vacade the car and stand next to it , shades on looking good .

Cassiey and that Ace guy get out of the car . Both laughing fairly loudly .

Ace is in a grey Calvin Klein suit and it's very tight against his broad muscles. Cassiey is in a white loose pants and a loose white blouse with a white blazer and white heels. 

They both look like the ideal power couple .

We all walk to the elevator.  Kayla and I are silent while they're talking about something that's really got them throwing a fit.

"No , but I was thinking Bruno would be a great name . Come on!" Cassiey says .

"Okay , okay . I'm not going to argue.  But I am going to name it without you knowing." Ace says and they both laugh and fall into each other's embraces .

"Oh hi guys. " says Cassiey .

Kayla and I simultaneously nod and face the door mechanically .

When the elevator dings , we all leave the small box .

Cassiey and Ace send their greeting to Kim and  I hear something in the lines of

"Mustve been the most awkward elevator ride you've had ." Kim says .

"Not really . " Cassiey says in a peppy voice .

Kayla and I walk to the top floor offices .

"So , do we have alot to work on?" She finally asks .

"I dont believe so , why?" I ask her .

" Oh no reason ." She replies sweetly , I don't like this at all .

She starts working as if she isn't planning something evil . Then , the intercom starts ringing .

"Mr  Smith,  please report to Ms Miller's office. " Kim says and then it goes off .

I stand and Kayla gives me a stern look .

"If you're going to go there , then let me come with you ." She says . I look at her and sigh .

Of course I told her about our last encounter,  I tell her everything . It's a habit .

We both walk down the hall to Cassandra's office. I knock and a silent enter sounds .

And as always , she is sitting behind the desk and Ace is sitting adjacent to her .

"Ahh , we see you've brought your sidekick." She says with a smile .

"Mr Smith , Ms Dixon." Ace says nodding to the both of us .

"Mr Bernett ." I say to him.

"Sit." Is all he says .

And I do as I'm told , something about the tone of his voice says that I shouldn't mess with him when it comes to his job .

But I can imagine , he's a nobody . Dating the owner of one of the most successful companies in the world . He has to work extra hard to prove himself .

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