Chapter 33

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Jason's  POV

A year has gone by , nothing has been the same here in the house . I've had trouble waking up as there was no aroma of breakfast sneaking into my bedroom .

I had trouble coming back home as it looked so empty . No humming at the kitchen,  no laughing at the sitting area while she watches a movie .

The company is pretty much the same as she spent only a week twice year there . But here and the her absence if felt .

Kimberly gives me the coldest looks I'd ever seen since the day I was born . She doesn't even make the effort to greet me anymore . How rude  , but I deserve it really .

I pull up infront of house . Nothing excites me as much as getting home and resting . Since Cassiey left , I work longer hours while trying to keep balance .

The brown mahogany door opens in thud and my feet follow after the door . Right there on my couch , Kayla is sitting there.

Back against a pillow and legs ontop of the couch . Cassandra hated that . She'd slap my feet away and tell me that it's a one of a kind couch .

She bought it online from some French designer . I bite my lip , trying very hard not to tell her to put her feet down . I know very well that if I ask her to put her feet down she'll ask why . Then I have to explain that Cassiey didnt like it .

Now that my friend is how to start a war with Kayla Dixon .

"Welcome home Jason." She says sweetly .

"Hi." I say to her .

Kayla doesn't come to work anymore , she spends the entire here and when I ask her why, she tells me that who is going to stop her . I hate this .

I do all the work of a CEO and I also do my personal assistant's work . I dont even want to bring up anything of that sort or else she'll bite my head off .

"Did you make dinner ? I'm starving." I say . Its eight thirty , she must've gotten hungry and made something .

"Uhh , no I was hoping you'd come back and cook something ." She says , eyes glued to what she is watching .

Me? Cook? After I did all the work that she is paid to do ? I should also come back and cook for her . Not going to happen .

"I'll just get to sleep then." I mumble .

Now that reply gets her attention . She turns her body to me and scrunches her face in both anger and confusion .

"So you're gonna let me starve? I haven't eaten the whole day ." She says .

"Kayla you're a grown woman . You can cook something for yourself,  stop being a child and get your ass in there . " I say nonchalantly . I strut my tired legs up the stairs . No intention of hearing what she's about to say .

When I get to the bedroom , I almost die . Her clothes are on the floor , the bed is unmade and the drapes are still closed . I know she didnt open them because they look exactly the way they did when I closed them last night .

I drop my briefcase and practically leap down the stair .

"Kayla what the fuck? Why are you acting like a pig? You dont want to feed yourself , you dont want to make the bed , you dont tidy the room , you dont even open the goddamn drapes . If you cant do the responsibilities of a woman then get the fuck out of my house ." I say through gritted teeth .

"Why should I do all of those stuff? You can just hire someone to do it . You're rich aren't you?" She says ignorantly .

What in the fuck...

"Pack your shit and leave my house." I say to her . She jumps in shock from how harsh my words sound .

"What?" She says . Laughter and tears at bay.

"Did I stutter . I said get your lazy ass out of my house." I shout .

"I'm sorry Jason, I'm really sorry . I'll do all that stuff please dont throw me out . I'll clean, I'll open the drapes . Please let me stay ." She begs .

She runs to the kitchen . She puts a pot of water on the stove and drops a biscuit of noodles into the water . She wears an apron and stirs the pot with a wooden spoon .

"Look , I'm cooking. See? I'm changing already . Please baby , let me stay  ." She begs frantically . Constantly moving around the kitchen .

"Fine stop acting like a headless chicken. " I say . I cant watch this anymore.

"But .. you're going to do the following . You're going to clean up after yourself,  like a woman should . You're going to cook whenever I come home late . Youre going to go back to work and start working for the money that gets transferred into your account every month . My business is loosing money because of you wage without any labour ." I say formally to her . She nods , way to quickly. 

"Yes , yes . I'll do anything . I'll do it . I'll start tomorrow." She says . She looks down at the pot and stirs more frantically.

"Kayla ?" I say to her .

"Yes?" She says looking up to me.

"You dont stir noodles ." I say grinning internally .

She nods , her face turns red .

I walk up to the bathroom and strip of my clothes . Pouring warm water into the tub , I begin humming a tune Cassiey used to hum everytime she bathed.

Damn I miss her . But I cant even visit her because she's angry for some reason . I want to hold her again .

To tell her I love her , and hear a giggle escaping her lips .  To kiss her cheek everytime she wakes up . To watch her run in terror , fearing that her breath stinks yet it smells completely okay . To see her tired smile when she dished up food she cooked even though she was exhausted from work . Now I know what made her different from Kayla . Love .

Author's note

Hola mis amigos. How are you guys doing? 😽💍

I missed yall so much . I hope you enjoyed this chapter . I hear alot of you had been asking for this POV . So I hope you've enjoyed .💖

Vote,  comment and recommend. 😊

Nic275 ❤🧚‍♀️

Fate Has Other Plansजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें