Chapter 30

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My back is killing me when old ma  Jay is done with my new tattoo. Ontop of the name he made a grass like structure,  and a rose risen from the ground . It's beautiful.

I remember Ace's words : meet me at the rooftop right after you're done with your tattoo.

What could he want from me? Does he want to push me off the roof ? Makes sense really .

So here I go , strutting up the stairs.  I should really start jogging because when I reach the second flight , I'm  breathing as heavy as a hairdryer.

When I finally reach the top . There I see him , seated on one of those blankets I layed on a few months ago. 

He turns around and sees me , he pats the space next to him . Hesitantly , I walked over to where he was seated .

When I sit down he smiles , although I can't see properly as it's only the light illuminating from the moon that is brighten the atmosphere.

"Dont be alarmed . I like to come here , to think ." He says , ever so charmingly . I've known Ace for a few months and never did I ever think that he could be charming .

"Yea , it is a pretty relaxing space ." I say , remembering the time I spent here reading Twilight.

"I want to tell you about myself ." He says , he seems just as uncomfortable as I am . Although , I nod encouragingly.

"My name is Ace Bernett as you know . I'm originally from London . My mother Grace Bernett and my father Donald Bernett are both dead , by car accident back in London. They died when I was twenty four , but my life was already together by then .

When I first came to America , I was 15 . It was during a school field trip. I met the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen , Melanie that's her name." He takes a short break . Melanie? That's the girl from the bracelet.

"Melanie and I exchanged numbers and we stayed in touch.  She came up with a way for us to be together . I had to convince my parents to send me here for college . And I did .

When I was 19 , I moved here permanently, which is why I don't have the accent anymore.  I started college and I moved in with the love of my life . Damn I loved that girl . I studied accounting , I'm a charted accountant.  When I was 24 , the year my parents died , I got hired by one of the biggest accountant firms in America : INPACT North America .

Melanie had to go to Canada for an internship . I spent two years alone , that's when I realised that I couldn't stay away from her. 

When she came back , I waited for her to get on her feet,  to have a stable job.  I remember she told me that she wanted to be independendant. 

But a few months later I found her cheating with some idiot from down the street . I was hurt and broken . I stabbed the idiot to death .

She had me arrested , she told the police that I attempted to rape her . Can you believe it ? I never touched her , never.  Not after I witnessed that idiot touching her how only I wanted to hold her .

I have been here for six years now . My sentence was 20 years but I'm only to serve 10 of those , because I pleaded guilty . At 31 , I'm in jail for murder , what would my parents say ? Wow , Cass . I've never opened up to anyone outside of Genna about the whole story . " he says looking me dead in the eye . His eyes hold so much emotion . Emotion I never expected .

"Wow Ace , is this why you're such an ass?" I say in a hoarse voice  , and only then I realise that I'm crying. He laughs , a hearty laugh , the best I've ever heard .  He looks beautiful when he laughs .

What? No!!!!

" I'm just an ass to you Cass . To everyone else I'm a darling." He says in between his laughing.  I chuckle .

"Why me only?" I ask , forgetting of the existence of such a thing as gramma .

"Because... personal reasons ." He says , his once vivacious face now back to the dull and empty look.

I never knew Ace could be this deep . Everything he said to me , it's all nothing of what I assumed Ace would be .

I even thought he was in the mafia or something . Never did I think that he actually killed for love .

On the contrary,  Ace is alot more like me than I'm willing to admit .

He loved this Melanie girl , she cheated and he did what any love crazed person would .  He fought for his love .

How cruel of Melanie to falsely accuse him of rape , how evil she is . She is a witch.

"Its your turn to tell me  your story. " he says , nudging my shoulder .

"Mine is not as interesting as yours.  There's no London,  no meeting the love of your life and then moving half way across the world just to be with him , no working for a successful company . None of the above . I'm just a simple girl from Michigan.  " I say truthfully .

"There might be non of that , but every body's life is unique . And in our case we are different alot different . So tell me , tell me what makes Cass so special . What makes Cass , Cass ?" He asks .

I noticed that he doesn't call me Cassiey like everyone else does . Instead he calls me Cass . Just like poppa did . My father used to call me Cass when I was younger.

That's one thing I'd never forget . Everyone else calls me Cassiey , the name momma came up with after ths death of my father . Come to think of it , it's as if she wanted to forget all about poppa .

She let me move 2 hours away . She changed how the house was . That woman!

"Earth to Cass . Cass?" Ace asks . Snapping his fingers infront of my face.

Okay here it goes .

Author's note .

Im really in the mood for updates guys , so lucky you . I want to finish this book and I'm sure you do too .😽

So how was this chapter ? What do you think of Ace now? And how do you feel about his past ? Are you shipping them the way I am?😚

Vote , comment and recommend 🤲🥰

Nic275 ❤🥰🧚‍♀️

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