Chapter 56

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"Mommymommy wake up!" A little green eyed boy says shaking me .

What , who is this boy?

"Who are you?" I ask him .

"What do you mean mommy? I'm your son , remember, Junior?" He says scrunching his face in confusion .

My son? This kid looks at least seven , I'm about five months pregnant now . He does look like Ace , but no.

I look around , my surroundings.  It looks exactly like my apartment .

"Hey ,Junior . Where's daddy ?" I ask . I have to see Ace .

"He went to work . Mom are you okay?" He asks me .

"Yes , I'm fine ." I reply smiling at him.

"Mommy can we go for a walk?" The little boy asks me .

We head out , what surprises me is that there's a park right outside of our apartment building.

As we walk down the narrow path in the park , I watch women playing with their kids.

"Mommy , you have to fight." He says .

"What?" I ask him . This is a queer boy .

"Momny , you cant just give up . It's not possible . You have so much waiting for you in out there .

You have to fight , for me , for daddy , for grandma , for aunty Beth and Kim . Please mommy. " he says. I look at him .

Mechanically , my head nods . I stare straight in his eyes as he smiles .

"Push me?" He asks sitting on one of the swings.

Later we bead back to the apartment.

"Hey baby." Ace says when we walk in.

"And hello little man." He says picking the little guy up.

"Hi Ace ." I say and his smile falls .

"Kiddo , why dont you head to your room . Mommy and daddy need to talk ." He says .

I watch as the little boy walks away down the white hallway .

"Are yo angry with me?" He asks .

"No , no . I'm not angry." I say to him . Am I angry?

"What's wrong baby?" He says getting nearer and nearer

"Nothing is wrong . I just... why didnt I go to work today?" I ask him .

"Baby , since Junior was born , you decided that you want to be a stay at home mom ." He says looking confused .

Okay this is not real , I'd never want to be that .

"I remember. " I lie .

"Lies?" He asks .

"No." I reply, he knows when I'm lying.  But at this pointI'm fine with anything.  This can not and will not be my real life .

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