Chapter 57

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Y'all should listen to Say something I'm giving up- a great big world and Christina perri. Goes well w this chapter . Enjoy!💗😆

Ace's POV

Three weeks!

Three fucking weeks , of sleeping in this chair . Crying next to Cass . Praying that she is okay , that our child is okay .

The doctors confirmed that the baby is okay the same day we entered .

"Mr Bernett,  I have good news and bad news ." The doctor had said .

I thought it'd be better to hear the bad news first then have the good news so soothe the bad . But I was not prepared at all for any of those .

What if I'd lost my child? What if I'd lost Cass . I am ready to loose any of those two . Not at all .

"Bad news first." I replied.

"Your wife is not stable , she did not respond to anything we tried . She has been in a coma since she was strangled and lost consciousness.

We are trying all that we can Mr Bernett but we dont see a light at the end of the tunnel .

She is still breathing , which is a good response for now . But if at any point she stops then there's nothing we can do to help her. " she had said .

I felt my heart sink into my chest . I can not imagine my life without her . They have to try something , everything.

"Good news?" I asked , my voice extremely hoarse .

"The baby is okay. You have quite the fighter right there. Because your wife is still breathing,  we are able to track the baby's growth and maintain it.

The experiment we attempted a week ago was a success and we were able to feed the baby through inserting tubes down your wifes throat that go right into her stomach .

Your baby will be okay , but he depends on your wife to keep breathing and fighting ." She had said .

There was a piece of me that was relieved but the bigger piece was angry , hurt , disappointed and frustrating.

There can only be one Cass . We can fuck and make as many babies we want but there can only be one Cass.

She keeps me updates everyday with how well they are doing . The baby is doing well and growing too , and should Cass - you know what - within two or three weeks , we will be able to detach the baby prematurely  and keep it on life support.

It's not the best idea , but if I can't have them both , and if I cant have Cass , I know she'd love for me to have our child and raise him.

On my side , I dont want to detach anything or anyone . I'd like both my loved ones alive and kicking . And I leave all that responsibility to God.

Mrs Miller comes over everyday , she and Beth have been staying at our apartment . She visits every segment of the visiting hours.

She bring me food and changing clothes . And I honestly appreciate it .

We hold hands at night and pray before they leave and she prays in the morning when she thinks that I'm still asleep .

Cassiey has to  wake up . I have nowhere else to go , she is my home .

If it was not for her , I'd not have a job . I'd not have a shelter over my head . I'd not have anything to eat. 

And yet how do I repay her? Two crazy bitches go after her and beat her up.  And while she's fighting for her life , I'm thinking about myself , about how I have nowhere else to go. How selfish Ace!

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