Chapter 16

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The guards begin pulling me away from Bella's limp body is lying there .

The judge is wearing the most disappointed look , she is even shaking her head .

Bella fixes herself and goes back to her seat .

"Mrs Smith,  I am not going to condone  such behavior in my court , now I'm going to leave you with a warning . If you do even one slightest wrong move , you'll  be suspended from attending the case ." The judge says .

That is kind of music to my ears as I do not want to attend them anyway . Huh , total gasp .

Light bulb !!

I can do stuff that will annoy the fuck out of the judge then she'll suspend me , then I dont even have to do this . But what's the point though , the case only has two dates left then we're getting the verdict .

The point is you'll be having fun .

I like were your head's at Cassiey . Really , I hadn't had fun in a long time .

I stand up again , the guards run up to me . I hold up a hand.

"I want to apologize for my horrible behavior , I'm sorry Bella for everything . I hope you can forgive me . I'm sorry you all had to witness that and judge , I'm sorry that I behaved that way in your respected court ." I say with a sad look .

Wow , Cassiey  . You should be an actress , cause you are killing this good girl role .

"We understand Mrs Smith,  now please . The court needs to proceed. " the judge says .

I nod and then I sit down . I send an apologetic smile to Bella . The entire time I'm avoiding eye contact with Kayla and her Loui Vuitton dress .

"No further questions your honor ." Kerrie says in a pissed tone.

"Do you have any more witnesses ?"  The judge asks .

"Yes , I call to the stand Mrs Miller ." Bella says with a sly smile .

Wait , Mrs Miller . The doors open , I see Beth holding momma and walking her up to the stand .

"What the fuck?" I say looking directly at Bella .

"She's not supposed to be here Bella , her fragile heart is not strong enough for this . Why would you bring her here?" I say loudly .

"Have you lost your damn mind , that's if you had one ." I say to her .

"Order ! Mrs Smith , I am not going to remind you of what you have just promised me , okay." The judge says .

I sit down. This must have been Jason's idea  , he never liked my mother and my mother never liked him .

Momma stands onto the stand , oh fuck no . I cant let this happen . I lay my head down onto the table in defeat .

"Mrs Miller , what is your relationship with Mrs Smith?" Bella asks .

"She is my daughter ." Her soft voice says .

"Has she ever shown any signs of violence in the years were she lived with you?" Bellas asks .

"No , Cassiey would have never hurt anything.  Not even a fly , I'm surprised that she's here now ." Momma says .

"Were you close with Mr Smith?" The wicked witch asks .

"No , not at all . After he married my daughter . He never spoke to me again . Infact this is the first time I see his face after the three years of their marriage . I never liked this Jacob boy ." Momma says , she says his name wrong again .

"I understand , if you dont mind . Take is through the weekend of the crime on your side ." Bella asks .

"Well , Ms Reese. I fell ill  on Friday , my adopted daughter there Bethany called Cassandra to tell her that I was not well . And then what happened next,  mm let me try to remember.  You know these old things dont work the same ." Momma says pointing to her head .

Everyone laughs , including the uptight judge .

"Its okay Mrs Miller , we understand. " Bella  says .

"Uhm , ahh . Yes , yes , I remember.  She then came to hospital . When I was discharged,  she came with us back home . The next day which was on a Saturday . She spent the whole day with Bethany , at her house . Came back and had dinner with me . She left the following day , it was a bit late when she left , approximately eight p.m , then the next day . I got a call that she was in prison. "  she says . Her heart seems to break at the end of the sentence. 

I mean who would've wanted their only child to go to prison , I know I wouldn't have . But fuck I've disappointed her .

"Mrs Miller , does Mrs Smith have any violent background?" Bella asks .

"Well yes , I took her to karate lessons when she was eight . But that's only because I wanted her to be able to defend herself . I thought that she was growing up and needed to learn to protect herself . And I publicly apologise for that as I've unleashed a monster . I'm sorry Cassiey , I've failed you as a mother ." She says .

"No further questions your honor ." Bella says with a sly smile on her face .

"Does the accused have any questions?" The judge asks .

"No questions your honor " Kerrie says , so lowly. 

I dont know what hurts me more , momma calling me a monster or momma saying she failed me .

She didnt fail me , I failed her . I really did , I mean all she wanted was for me to be happy . And she's right I should've walked away just like other women , but I didnt . She's right,  I did this to myself. 

And it hurts me that she called me a monster,  true I am a monster and yes at some point I expected someone to call me by it to the face , but that someone was not my own mother . Not ever had I expected it .

"Court adjourned,  the next and last witnesses meeting will be same time next week and a day after that will be the jury's verdict and or the sentencing ." The judge says .

We all stand , and she leaves . Then when she's left . The journalist and other low lives begin  to leave too .

Kayla and Jason leave . Bella winks at me and then leaves .

Kerrie stays next to me but I can tell she wants to leave , Momma pulls Bethany to leave .

I know she wanted to stay and say hi , but she didnt want to disobey momma .

Kerrie pushes me to the door .

"Let's go." She says lowly.

My head is bent down , not from defeat this time.  But from embarrassment .

Imagine to have your own mother stand up that stand and say to the world that she has unleashed a monster and that she has failed you .

A tear escapes my eye . I just want this to be over .

Author's note


Hope this shows all of you how sorry I am for not updating all this time .

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