Chapter 19

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The guard immediately throws the orange outfit at me when we reach the prison . Nobody is smiling here , everyone is frowning or giving off a hard gaze .

Guess I'll be the only doofus smiling in here .

The guard gives me a soft push into the bathroom,  I quickly change into the outfit and he takes me to my cell .

Again he pushes me into it when we get there , I didnt look up when we passed by other cells so I don't know what they looked like .

But I can swear I heard a whispered 'new meat'

Oh shit , I'm fucked .

I kneel down on my bed and finally take a look around,  the grey round metals surround me , my cell is the last one in the isle . There's a toilet , a sink and ... another bed ?

I have a roommate?

Cassandra this is prison , you dont get "roommates" ,it's called a cellmate .

Okay , I have a cellmate?

Why isn't she here ? Is she avoiding me , well I cant wait to meet her . But now , I must sleep,  I need all the rest I can get .

Back to another night of dreamless sleep. As I'm sleeping,  I feel something rubbing against my thigh , is there a rat in here , or am I finally having a dream .

Then I hear heavy breathing , and a hot breath on my neck , of fuck , not a dream . I spring up .

"Oh my God!" I say . My eyes going white .

Her face is pale , looking a bit starved . Her hair is blonde,  its very messy , looks like it's getting a minimum amount of care . Her eyes are blue , her lips are pink and so are they dry and twitching .

"What do you want ?" I ask , genuinely afraid of what she'll say next , I've never had a cellmate.

Niether have had a cell or been in prison.

Fair point.

"What did you just call me ?" She asks in a graspy voice .

"What?" I ask , honestly confused.

"I said,  what did you call me . Did I stutter ?" She asks , getting closer to my face . Seems as though her hair is not the only thing that gets minimum care , her mouth does too . Cause it stinks in there .

Man up Cassandra .

"I didnt call you anything , I asked what you want . Because you were caressing my thigh as if you've known me since I was born , am I wrong to wonder?" I say,  trying to sound as angry as she does .

She chuckles . And gets up .

"No you're not . I'm Roxy , and this is mi casa . I was just examining my new guest ." She says lying down on the other bed .

Well as long as she doesn't disturb my peace , I'll be more than happy to be her cellmate .

I lie back down , and then I turn my body , so that my back is facing her , I can't shake off the feeling that she's watching me right now .

Either way , I still drift back to sleep . Another dreamless sleep .

"Wake up everybody , diner is in five !!!!" I hear a loud yell .

My body automatically bolts up , and I sit on the edge of my bed , waiting for the guard to open my cell .

I hear multiple calls being opened , I wait patiently for mine . A guard with black hair comes up to my cell , he opens it ,and gestures for me to come .

I go over to him , he begins walking over to a direction which I've noticed that all the women in orange are heading .

"You must be Smith , C . Smith right ?" He asks in the most formal voice ever .

"Yes sir ." I say in the most bored tone ever .

" In this prison,  you will not be spoon fed like when you were in the holding cell . You have responsibilities that are expected to be done , when you're asked to do them

The court that has convicted you recommended you get behavioral classes,  that would be with Ms Genna , who will be here next week and will explain everything to you .

For now what you need to know is , shower time is three to five a.m . Breakfast is seven a.m on the dot , if you come even a minute late , you will not be given food . Lunch and dinner  will be different since you are a behavioral class convict. 

But for now as Genna isn't here , your lunch time will be two p.m and you dinner is at seven p.m , you will be given opportunities to take another shower at nine p.m and your day will end then , unless as I said , Genna comes back . That would be all." He says , leaving me at a huge room , full of tables and chairs .

All the convicts are roaming around freely at the place , I grab a tray,  and I begin to walk toward the lady who is serving the food .

When I get there , I greet her.

"Evening ." I says , her head pops up , as if she hadn't expected that .

"Evening " she replies .

She throws a big ole spoon of mashed potato onto the tray , and a few other greens .

I walk away . When I get to the tables , my eyes search for an empty table . This feels exactly like high school.

Everyone in the cafeteria has their own groups and I'm the new kid that no one want to chill with . I spot an empty table at the corner .

As I walk past the groups.  I hear lowered whispering , I know I should be scared , as I'm in this place with terrorists, murders ,serial killer and all those other crimes I cant remember right now , but I just feel at home .

I reach the corner , I drop the tray and I begin munching at it . The food is a bit tasteless , except for the aggressive salt that is wrestling with my tongue right now .

I really dont mind that , it's good to know that not every part of my body is numb . Cant wait to go back to that comfy bed and fall asleep .

Author's note

You're going to hate me , but I have a good reason as to why I didnt update 😔

I had tests the whole week , not even a single moment to myself . And to make matters worse , I put away my phone for a week just to study for my Economics test

I know it sounds like excuses , but I promiseI'll make it up to you .

Anyway did you enjoy reading ? Drop some comments down for me. 😉❤

And another thing , I want you guys to note that , I took an imaginative turn to prison and not the literal way . Which means , there will be certain things which dont usually happen in prisons , that will be happening here . Please let's all pretend they're normal 🤣🤣

Anyway , had fun writing this chapter . I want to play a little game with you guys , I want to know what you think is going to happen , the one that gets the closest guess will get a mention from me on one of the chapters !!!!😚😚❤

Anyway , scroll down .

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