Author's note and comments

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My greatest achievement when it comes to writting this book , is having the readers engaged, understand and sympathize with the characters that I provided for you.

There have been many ups and downs but regardless of that , I still wrote the book and hung on.

My name is Nicole Kamari Motheo. And there is so much I could say about myself , but the one thing I want the world to know,  is that I love writing.

Writing Fate Has Other Plans has been a roller coaster honestly.

Having to juggle school , being a teenager and on top of that writing a book.

I was - at the beginning - so afraid of the negative comments that would come . I've read so many books , where the author complains about readers commenting nasty things .

And believe it or not , today I got one of those too.

Nevertheless , I know that there are 219K people who disagree with that one person who does not enjoy the book . And I'm not going to force anyone to like it either.

Things got a little harder when I started writting my exams because I had so many of you asking me to update and I just didnt want to disappoint any of you .  Studying and writing a book is no childs play people .

There came a time in between the book where I felt like I had run out of ideas . This is when i started going through  that something I was telling y'all about . I believed that I would have to disappoint y'all by saying that I've lost my mojo.

I prayed about it daily and the situation got a little bearable

No words can ever explain how happy writting this book has made me . When times get tough in my life , it feels like the book is the only thing going well for me .

I got my first five loyal readers , no words can ever explain the gratitude that I feel towards the people I'm about to mention .

The first ever loyal reader I had . This readers comments were the best . I always looked forward to hearing them whenever I updated. Thank you so much Crystal 🥺❤

A very eager reader right here. This reader kept on asking for more updatesThat's just how much she loved my book Thank you so much Puja.🥺❤

She absolutely loved this book . And she adored Ace I might mention . I'm pretty sure she adored the book too. Thank you so much Monitha. 🥺❤

This reader has been my critic  from the first day they started reading my book . They have been correcting mistakes that I make and building me . Thank you so much Damon.🥺❤

She has been honest about how she feels about every chapter and contributed thoughts on a daily . I'm also really grateful Carolyn🥺❤

If I didnt mention you , dont feel bad. I appreciate you so much , there are so many more of you that deserve a thank you and you'll get one on the comment section.

This book has honestly taking all that I am , and I would have been really disappointed if it didnt get as many reads as it does .

Getting to the end of the book was my goal from when I started writing the book. But the moment I got closer and closer to the end , my heart ached .

I'm super grateful to everyone that supported me .

From my best friend: ThabisoJoy1
To my bestfriend who has now become my sister Motshegetsi ❤❤❤ , to my boyfriend Unathi🥺🥺🥺❤❤💍💍 and so many more. I'm super grateful .❤

But let me not forget my biggest supporter, YOU! Yes you. Thank you so much. ❤

And I hope that you all look forward to more of my works.

I love you guys!🥺❤💍

Nic275 🧚‍♀️🥺❤💍

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