Chapter 4- Soccer Tryouts

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Y/N walked out of school and headed towards her bike. School had just ended and she wanted nothing more than to go home and sleep. "I need a nap." She mumbled to herself. "Hey, Y/N wait up!" A voice called behind her. She turned around to see Daniel jogging over to her.

"Oh hey, Daniel. You wanna ride home together?" She asked. "That's what I came to tell you about. I'm trying out for the soccer team and I was wondering if you wouldn't mind watching? Then we could head home together?" Daniel asked shyly, rubbing the back of his neck. Y/N shrugged. "Sure. I'll be your own personal cheerleader, Danny boy."

Daniel laughed. "Well come on!" He said excitedly. He grabbed her hand and dragged her to the fields. There goes my nap.

While Daniel was changing, Y/N decided to go talk to Ali. "Hey, Ali." She greeted the blonde. "Oh hey, Y/N! What're you doing here?" Ali asked. "Daniel's trying out for the soccer team so he asked me to be his cheerleader." Y/N joked.  Ali giggled before her expression quickly soured. 

"What's wrong?" Y/N asked. "I guess Daniel's not the only one trying out," Ali stated bitterly, glaring at something. Y/N followed her gaze to see the Cobra Kai boys all standing around, goofing around. Y/N unconsciously smiled at the sight of them. They had kept the end of the deal so far and they weren't totally unpleasant people to be around. 

Ali looked away from the boys and saw Daniel, her facing lighting up. "Hey think fast." She yelled, tossing a soccer ball to Daniel. He caught with a smile. Y/N walked over and leaned on Daniel's shoulder as the two greeted each other. "Oh, your eye." Ali winced, looking at his black eye. "Uh, don't worry. It looks worse than it feels believe me." Daniel reassured, tossing the ball between his hands.

"Yeah, I hope so. Uh listen, I never got a chance to thank you."

"Oh, no. That was nothing. I'm just sorry about your radio." 

"Yeah, I'm more sorry about your eye. I mean, I guess you should've just given it to him. "

"Why? It wasn't his, right?"

"Yeah, it wasn't his."

"See that? We think alike already."

Y/N rolled her eyes at their flirting. "I'm gonna go sit on the bleachers and watch. Good luck Daniel." Y/N stated, walking over to the bleachers. Y/N noticed the Cobra Kais weren't too far away from and was tempted to go say hi but decided against it. She'll let her presence stay unknown for now.

Y/N watched as Daniel juggled the ball with his knees, noticing Tommy, Bobby, and Jimmy behind him. She saw Bobby give some sort of weird signal and followed his line of sight to see he was giving it to Johnny. Y/N groaned. Are they seriously that childish?

The coach blew the whistle and Daniel, Bobby, Tommy, and Jimmy took the field with a bunch of other boys who were trying out. Someone passed the ball to Daniel and he started making his way down the field, shuffling the ball through his feet as he went. Bobby slid to the ground, knocking Daniel's legs out from underneath him, but making it look like he was kicking the ball. Y/N knew otherwise though. 

"Have a nice trip?" Bobby mocked. Daniel ran at him and grabbed him by the waist, bringing him to the ground, The two rolled around until Daniel got on top and punched him in the face "hey, nobody hits me! I'm gonna tear your face off!" Bobby yelled as the coach pulled Daniel off of him and pushed him into the crowd. Tommy grabbed Daniel while some boy grabbed Bobby. "Kill him, Bobby! Kill him!" Tommy encouraged, holding back a thrashing Daniel.

"Get out! There's no place on this team for that kind of crap." The coach yelled at Daniel. "He hooked me, man!" Daniel shouted in defense. "I said, out of here!" The coach demanded, pointing off the field. "This school sucks man! It sucks!" Daniel shouted before storming off the field. Dutch and Johnny were standing on the sidelines mocking him and laughing.

Y/N rolled her eyes and got up off the bench, making her way over to the two blondes. "You just couldn't leave well enough alone, could ya?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest. The two boys spun around and stared at her in shock. "Hey, princess. What're you doing here?" Johnny asked. Y/N noticed he wasn't wearing a shirt had to keep her eyes from wandering down to his toned chest, 6 pack abs, his v line, his-

"Oh just supporting my friend Daniel at soccer practice? What about you?" She retorted with a raised eyebrow. By this time, Bobby, Tommy, and Jimmy had walked over to the three. "Oh hey Y/N! What's up?" Bobby asked, oblivious to the fact that she saw him trip Daniel. "Oh, nothing much. Just watched a bunch of assholes gang up on my friend." 

The boy's jaws dropped open in shock. "You, uh, saw that?" Tommy asked, embarrassed. "I sure did. And I guess that means the deals off. I really thought you guys were being sincere but I guess I was wrong." She spat. To be honest, she was kind of upset. She didn't mind their company but it was obvious they didn't care enough to respect her wishes.

"In our defense, we didn't know you were going to be here," Dutch stated. Y/N rolled her eyes. "That's a pretty crappy defense, Dutch." Y/N retorted. The boys all looked down in embarrassment. "We're sorry Y/N, alright?" Bobby said. Y/N sighed. "The thing is,  you're not sorry. You're just saying that because you know that's what I want to hear. I actually wanted to be friends with you guys and all I asked was for one thing. Obviously, I can't trust you guys to do one thing so I can't trust you guys to have a friendship." She rambled. Maybe I'm being overdramatic? No, I asked them to leave Daniel alone and they didn't, I have a right to feel this way.

"None of you bother trying to talk to me. I wanted this to work out but I can see now that it cant." She said, hoisting her backpack onto her shoulders. She looked at the boys who all had their heads bowed in embarrassment and guilt. Maybe they were sorry? No, they were sorry they were caught.

"Except for you Jimmy. Call me anytime you'd like." Y/N teased with a wink. Jimmy's faced turned a bright red while Johnny's flushed in anger. There it was again. That feeling in the pit of his stomach. Jealousy.

She turned on her heel when she felt someone grab her wrist. She turned her head, her E/C eyes meeting the vibrant blue eyes of Johnny Lawrence. "Princess, we really are sorry and we want to make it up to you. Please give us a chance." He said, his eyes pleading. Y/N wanted to say no, she really did, but there was something in his eyes that pulled her in. Like the waves crashing onto the shore, bringing in the tide. Y/N sighed. "Fine. You have one chance and that's it. Got it?"

The boys nodded their heads vigorously. Johnny let go of her wrist and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, guiding her away from the field with the boys behind her. "Wait where are we going?" She asked. "We're gonna show you how sorry we are," Johnny stated vaguely. Y/N gulped. What did I just get myself into?

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