Chapter 16- The Country Club

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D/C = Dress color
Y/N stood in front of the mirror, running her hand across her D/C dress, smoothing out any wrinkles she could find. To say she was nervous was an understatement. Not only was she going to a country club with Johnny, a place which she will stick out like a sore thumb, she was also meeting Johnny's mother.

"Y/N, your date is here!" Y/N's mother called, snapping Y/N out of her thoughts. Y/N grabbed her shoes and her purse before hurrying out of her room and walking into the living room. When she saw Johnny, she felt herself go weak in the knees.

He was wearing a gray tweed suit with a white undershirt and a black tie. His blonde hair was slicked back and his blue eyes were sparkling as he conversed with Y/N's mother, not noticing Y/N had walked into the room. Y/N cleared her throat, making the two look over to her. Johnny's breath caught in his throat as his eyes raked over Y/N's body. "Wow Y/N you" He breathed. Y/N felt herself blush. "Thank you, Johnny, you don't look too bad yourself."

"So this is the Johnny you talk about all the time?" M/N asked. Johnny smirked while Y/N's face flushed in embarrassment. "Well I think we should get going," Y/N stated, trying to hurry out the door. "Wait let me take a picture," M/N said, grabbing a camera. Y/N internally groaned before walking back over to Johnny. The blonde wrapped his arm around Y/N's waist with Y/N doing the same. The two smiled as M/N snapped a few pictures.

"Aw, you two are so cute!" She cooed making Y/N groan. "Can we go now, mom?" Y/N asked, trying to keep the annoyance out of her tone. "Yes yes, go! Have fun!" Her mom yelled excitedly. Johnny waved goodbye to Y/N's mom before putting his hand On Y/N's lower back and leading her to his car. "So you talk about me all the time, huh?" Johnny questioned with a smirk as the two got into his car. "Just shut up and drive, Lawrence," Y/N grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest. Johnny let out a laugh and place his hand on her thigh. "Your wish is my command, princess."

The car ride was nice, with the two of them chatting away, with occasionally flirting or touches that definitely went past the friend boundary. Soon Johnny pulled into the parking lot and put the car in park before running over to the passenger side and opening the door for Y/N. "Thank you, Johnny." She thanked as he closed the door. Johnny grabbed her hand. "Of course."

The two walked into the country club and Y/N felt herself become insecure. There was a band playing up on a stage with groups of people dressed to the nines in suits, dresses, and expensive jewelry were dancing under crystal chandeliers. Tables with stark white table clothes were scattered around the room with expensive-looking silverware on top of them Y/N had never been to a place like this before in her life.

Johnny noticing her nervous gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. "Come on let's go see my mom. She's been dying to meet you." He said, dragging her over to a table where a very beautiful blonde woman was sat. "Mom, this is Y/N. Y/N this is my mother, Laura." Johnny introduced. Y/N stuck her hand out. "It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Lawrence," Y/N said, politely.

Laura pushed Y/N's hand away and pulled her into a tight hug, taking Y/N by surprise. "Oh, it's so great to finally meet you, Y/N! You're all Johnny talks about." Laura stated, letting go of Y/N. Y/N looked over at Johnny and smirked while his face flushed. "Oh, I'm all he talks about you say?" Y/N questioned amused. Laura nodded. "Well, what exactly does he say?"

"Hey, I think I see the guys lets go say hi," Johnny stated, grabbing Y/N's hand and dragging her away. "It was nice meeting you!" Y/N yelled to Laura. "It was nice meeting you! You're welcome to come over anytime!" She yelled back. Y/N chuckled and looked up at Johnny. "So I'm all you talk about, huh?" Y/N teased. "Oh shut up."

The two of them stopped in front of the boys, all of whom were dressed in nice tuxes. It was weird to Y/N to see all of them, especially Dutch, dressed up so nicely. "Hey, guys." She greeted. "Hey Y/N you look great!" Bobby grinned pulling her in for a tight hug. The boys all took turns complimenting her and hugging her before she was pulled into Johnny's side. He wrapped a protective arm around her waist, making her roll her eyes.

The group all started chatting when a slow song suddenly came on. "Would you care to dance?" Johnny asked Y/N as he bowed forward and stuck out his hand. Y/N smiled. "I'd love to." She replied, taking his hand. The boys all watched with grins. "I'm gonna win the bet," Tommy mumbled as the pair walked away. "No way. He's gonna chicken out and ask her out after the tournament just watch." Bobby retorted. "Or he might do it after tonight." Jimmy piped up. Dutch scoffed. "No way he's too much of a wimp."

Johnny led Y/N out onto the dance floor and wrapped an arm around her waist. Y/N placed her hand on Johnny's shoulder and grabbed his other hand, interlacing their fingers. The two swayed on the dancefloor, ignoring everyone and everything around them. Johnny's blue eyes pierced into Y/N's E/C ones. They both started to lean in when...

"Johnny, do you mind dancing with Ali?" A loud voice boomed, breaking the two apart. Y/N looked over to see an older man, presumably her father, dancing with Ali, the latter looking very uncomfortable. "Uh actually I do mind-" Johnny started. "Don't be silly we can all switch partners." A female voice said. Y/N looked over to see Ali's mother dancing with...David.

Before Y/N or Johnny could protest, Ali was shoved in between them, making them separate as David grabbed Y/N. "Don't touch me." She hissed, trying to shove him off. "Can we finish the dance, please? I need to talk to you." He pleaded. Y/N rolled her eyes. "Fine."

David took ahold of Y/N similar to the way Johnny had and they started swaying in place, albeit a lot more awkwardly than Y/N and Johnny. "Listen I just wanted to apologize for what happened. I just liked you so much and I let my jealousy get the better of me." David said, making Y/N look up at him. She didn't know if she could trust him. The last time she did, he tried to take advantage of her. Y/N sighed. "I'll only accept your apology if you promise not to do something like that again, alright?"

David nodded. "Would it be too inappropriate to ask for a hug?" He asked. Y/N shook her head no. David wrapped his arms Y/N and brought her close to his chest with his head resting on her shoulder. As he was hugging her, he looked over to see Johnny watching them with a very pissed-off look on his face. David smirked.

Y/N pulled away from David and went to say something but the next thing she knew he pulled her into a kiss. Y/N's eyes widened and she shoved him off of her. "Don't you ever do that agin!" She yelled. She heard a loud crash sound making her look over to see Daniel, laying on the floor covered in sauce and dishes scattered around him. He had a look of pure hurt and anger on his face as he stared at something. Y/N followed his gaze to see Johnny and Ali kissing.

Everyone started laughing at Daniel, even David. Y/N reared back and punch David squarely in the jaw with Ali doing the same to Johnny. Ali ran out of the room after Daniel while Y/N went to go grab her bag. As she was leaving she felt someone grab her wrist. Thinking it was David, she spun around with her fist raised, only to see it was Johnny who had grabbed her. 

"Listen Y/N-" He started but Y/N just held her hand. up "No, it's fine, Johnny. You can kiss whoever you like. It's not like we're dating right?" She said, her eyes threatening to spill with tears. "Well, it's not like you didn't kiss Williams," Johnny stated. "I didn't. He kissed me. Goodbye Johnny." She said before walking out of the ballroom. Johnny stood there shocked, taking in what Y/N just told him.

The boys came out of nowhere and Dutch slapped Johnny across the head. "You just lost one the of best girls around because you were being an idiot." He spat angrily. "Nice going man you really screwed up this time," Bobby growled. "Did you really think she'd kiss Willaims after what he did?" Jimmy asked, shaking his head at his friend's stupid actions. "No, I didn't." He whispered. The boys all stood there watching as Y/N's figure retreated out of the country club and into the night.
A/N Sorry I took so long to update. I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. I enjoyed writing it. Stay hydrated!!

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