Chapter 10- The Halloween Dance

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The whole rest of the day, the boys, mostly Johnny, kept bugging Y/N to tell them what her costume was going to be. Every time she said no, they would give her puppy dog eyes. Neither of them were able to break her though. Jimmy almost got her once with them but she stayed strong.

After school, Y/N left as quickly as she could, hoping to avoid the boys bombarding her with questions. She reached her apartment and started getting ready, changing into her costume. She was going as a princess. It seemed obvious to her. What else could she possibly go as?

She pulled on the pink dress, loving the way the silk fabric felt against her skin. The dress fit her perfectly, clinging to her body in all the right places. She then decided to do her hair and makeup. She styled her hair the way she wanted, making it look really good with the dress. She then moved on with her makeup, opting for a simple, yet elegant look. For a final touch, she put on a fake tiara and some gloves, like all the fancy royals.

She slid on a pair of ballet flats as the final part before looking in the mirror. She had to be honest, she looked hot. Y/N checked the time to see it was nearly 5. Ali and the girls would be there shortly. Y/N locked the door to her apartment and made her way to the stairs, just as Daniel was leaving his apartment. "Wow, Y/N. You" Daniel complimented. Y/N giggled. "Thank you, Daniel. What are you going as?" Y/N asked.

"Nothing. I'm not going."

"Aw, why not."

"Eh don't have a costume. Plus I'm just not in the mood. I might go see Mr. Miyagi though."

"Ok well tell him I said hi. I'll see you later."

Daniel stuck out his arm, gesturing for Y/N to take it. "Can't let a princess walk down the stairs by herself." Daniel teased. Y/N laughed and took his arm with him leading her down the stairs. Once they reached the bottom, Y/N did a curtsey. "Why thank you, kind sir." She said in a posh voice. Daniel bowed dramatically. "Anything for you m'lady."

A loud car horn caught the two's attention, signaling that Ali was there. "Well, my chariot awaits." She said, making Daniel laugh. The two parted ways and Y/N walked to Ali's car and got in. "Hey Y/N! You look great!" Ali complimented. "Yeah, Johnny'll be all over you." Susan squealed making Y/N blush. "Shut up!" She groaned making the girls all laugh.

The ride to the school was fun with the girls screaming song lyrics and laughing. Once they reached the school, the four girls hopped out before pouring into the gymnasium. Orange and black streamers filled up the walls while balloons, streamers, and other things decorated the walls as well. The gym was already packed with students, the sound of loud music and chattering filling their ears. The four girls walked in and scanned the crowd taking in everyone. Y/N's eyes landed on 5 guys dressed in skeleton costumes, their faces pained with white and black face paint.

"Hey, I see the guys," Y/N stated, pointing to the group. "Go ahead. We're just gonna stay here." Ali said with a smile Y/N nodded and bid them goodbye before approaching the group of boys. Y/N jostled her way through the crowd before finally reaching the boys. "Hello, boys." She greeted. The boys all turned to look at her and their jaws dropped. "Holy shit Y/N you look hot," Tommy stated, his eyes wide. "You look... amazing." Bobby stammered. Y/N laughed. "Close your mouths, boys, you'll catch flies" She teased.

They all closed their mouths. "So are we gonna just stand here all night or are we going to dance?" Y/N asked, placing her hands on her hips. The boy's faces lit up and they all grabbed her, dragging her onto the dance floor. They all danced crazily, laughing and having a good time. Jimmy had brought a camera with him and every now and then he snapped a couple of pictures. One of the Y/N's favorites was a picture of Johnny and Bobby each giving her a kiss on the cheek with her making a funny face.

Enamored: Johnny Lawrence x Female!readerWhere stories live. Discover now