Chapter 8- The idiots

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Y/N had been spending a lot of time with Daniel. Not like she didn't before, but it was more than usual. Daniel didn't mind, of course, but Johnny sure did. Ever since they pushed Daniel down the hill, Y/N had kept to her word and stopped talking to them. They were all miserable.

At first, Johnny figured she would forgive them the next day, and everything would be fine. But then one day turned into two, then two turned into three, and soon a week had passed. They all kept trying to get her to talk to them, but she was stubborn. Johnny wondered why they all cared so much, himself included. Then he realized maybe they felt the same way he did. They cared about Y/N a lot more than they would like to admit. She was special to all of them for different reasons.

For Bobby, she was someone he could ask for advice. For Tommy, she was someone with whom he could be himself around. For Dutch, she was someone who could calm him down and get him into a safe headspace. For Jimmy, she was someone he could open up to and talk to. And for Johnny, she was all those things and so much more.

Y/N was miserable too. She loved hanging out with Daniel, he was her best friend, but she'd be lying if she said she didn't miss her boys. She did hang out with Ali sometimes, but she mostly hung out with Daniel and the maintenance man. She adored the man. He was very sweet and taught her and Daniel a lot. Still, she was upset and so were the boys. One person did notice this, however.

Y/N was walking in the hallways when she felt someone grab her wrist. She turned around to see Ali standing there. "Oh hey, Ali." She greeted, smiling at the blonde. "Hey Y/N! How're you?" She asked. Y/N shrugged. "I'm alright."

"No, you're not."

"I'm sorry what?"

"You've been really down lately. And I've noticed so have the Cobra Kai's."

Y/N was taken aback. "I-I don't understand." She stammered. "Come on I know you were hanging out with them. And now that you haven't, the both of you have been miserable." Ali stated. Y/N sighed. "Fine I was hanging out with them but after they hurt Daniel, I couldn't stand being around them. They promised me they wouldn't hurt him and they did."

"Hey, I understand. But I can see that it's making you and them miserable. They care about you Y/N, it's obvious. They probably feel really guilty about what they did."

"So what should I do?"

"Talk to then, air things out. You don't have to forgive them right away but at least stop torturing yourself."

Y/N smiled. "Thanks, Ali." She thanked. "No problem. Also, I see the way Johnny looks at you, he likes you." She replied with a wink. Y/N's cheeks flushed. "W-what?" She stuttered. Ali giggled. "It's ok. Johnny is a good guy I just couldn't handle dating him. But you, you got something special so go for it!"

Ali skipped off, leaving Y/N standing there with her jaw opened. That was...unexpected. But it got her thinking, did Johnny Lawrence, one of the hottest guys in school, the karate king of the valley, have a crush on her?

The bell rang, shaking Y/N from her thoughts. She quickly walked towards her last class, Latin, and took her usual seat next to Jimmy. Although she was still upset with him, she couldn't exactly switch seats. Besides, a part of her wanted to sit next to him. As Y/N started pulling out her things for class, she looked over to see Jimmy with his arms folded on the table and his head buried in them. That's odd. Jimmy never sleeps in class. Something might be wrong.

Y/N lightly nudged him, making him lift his head. "Jimmy are you ok?" She asked softly. "Yeah, I'm fine." He muttered. "No, you're not. What's wrong?" She asked. Jimmy looked at her, confused. "I thought you didn't want to talk to us." He stated.

"Just because I'm mad at you doesn't mean I stopped caring about you."

Jimmy gave her a weak smile. She reached over and grabbed his hand, giving it a light squeeze. "Now tell me what's wrong." She urged, her voice soft. Jimmy sighed. "I've been having problems at home." He admitted.

"What types of problems?"

"My parents have been arguing nonstop and they keep dragging me into it. And when I take one of their sides, the other gets mad at me. Or if I don't take a side at all, they both gang up on me."

"Listen, Jimmy, it's not your fault, ok? Your parents arguing is nothing you did, it's just they need to figure out their issues on their own. And as for them dragging you into it, they have no right to make you take sides. And I want to apologize for my behavior. If I had known you were already going through this, I wouldn't have acted the way I did."

Jimmy squeezed her hand. "No, it's ok. We deserved it." He replied. Y/N smiled. "Just know, you're welcome to stay at my house anytime you'd like." She offered. "I'd like that."

The two spent the rest of the class taking, acting like nothing ever changed between them, and Y/N actually enjoyed it. She was going to take Ali's advice and talk to the rest of the boys. Once the bell rang, Jimmy and Y/N walked out of the classroom and into the hallway. Before Y/N could say anything, Jimmy pulled her into a tight hug. "Thank you. It felt really good to tell someone that." He said. "You're welcome." She replied, hugging him back.

Someone cleared their throat, making the two break apart to see Johnny, Bobby, Tommy, and Dutch standing there, awkwardly watching them. "Hello, boys." She greeted, smiling at them. They were a bit taken aback by the greeting but said hi back anyways. "Listen I'm sorry guys for freaking out about the whole Daniel thing. Looking back on it, I should've just talked about it instead of ignoring you guys." She apologized.

"There's no need to apologize to us Y/N. We messed up. We broke a promise and we did something that you asked us not to." Bobby reassured. Y/N smiled. "Well, either way, I missed you, idiots." She stated. She pulled all of them into a hug, leaving Johnny for last. "Don't leave me again, princess." He whispered in her ear. Y/N buried her head in his shoulder. "Don't worry, pretty boy. I won't."

"Well not that we're all made up, let's do something fun!" Tommy exclaimed, causing the two to break their hug. "Sure! Where are we going?" Y/N asked. "How about the beach?" Dutch suggested. Y/N smiled at this. It was where they took her the first time they all hung out. "Sure let's go."

The group made their way through the hallway, goofing around like nothing ever changed. Johnny had his arm wrapped around Y/N while she joked around with Tommy and Dutch with Bobby and Jimmy occasionally adding on, making her laugh. Johnny just watched her, a warm feeling filling him every time she laughed or smiled. Y/N had her boys back, so she was happy, but Johnny had his girl back. Even if she wasn't his girl...yet.
A/N This was mostly a Jimmy chapter lol but I really wanted to just give him a little bit of a spotlight since he doesn't even talk in the movie at all and he's just so underrated. You never hear anything about his character and I just really wanted to shed some light on him because for all we know he could have problems at home and no one knows. And also I just love Jimmy so much.

Anyways thanks for the support and remember to stay hydrated.

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